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For International Readers

Komyoin temple, the best Zen garden in Kyoto

Komyoin is solemn, uderrated temple but has the best Zen garden to meditate in Kyoto. Let us visit there in four seasons and enjoy cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, and snow!
For International Readers

Mikage matsuri 2023: The most important ritual prior to Aoi matsuri festival

Mikage matsuri is a ritual held prior to Aoi Matsuri The most important ritual is Miare shinji held on the 12th May at Mikage shrine. On the very day, the Deity of Shimogamo shrine is born there.
For International Readers

Kohrin-in, the most underrated Zen temple in Kyoto!

Kohrin-in is the most underrated Zen temple in Kyoto. It has Zen rock garden, traditional tea room, and fantastic autumn colors. It is open to public only in spring and fall. Let us learn the way to enjoy the garden and autumn colors and the construction of Buddhist temple!
For International Readers

Kamigamo shrine in Kyoto, Aoi matsuri, and its history

The short history of Kamigamo shrine"Kamigamo shrine" is a de facto name of "Kamo wake ikazuchi shrine". It enshrines "K...
For International Readers

Autumn leaves in Kyoto; the latest report in 2017!!!

In the middle of November in 2017, maple leaves in some place are in bloom. So, let me introduce the latest autumn color...
For International Readers

The best time and top 5 spots for autumn leaves in Kyoto!【Forecast2018】

A goat Kyotoite shows you the best time and best spot to admire "Autumn leaves/Autumn colors" in Kyoto! In addition to them, you can learn the ways Kyotoite take to enjoy them!
For International Readers

What is Goriyaku? ご利益につき英語で説明

When we visit Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples, we expect Goriyaku there. In this post, I'll show you what Goriyaku and the way they are generated. 合掌