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For International Readers

Setsubun 2024: Dinanogi at Heian Jigu shrine 大難の儀と節分英語で説明

Dainanogi is a Setsubun ritual presented at Heian Jingu shrine in the same form as it was took place in Heian period. In that period, people believed the ending of each season caused evil spirit which brought them illness and misfortune.
For International Readers

Moon viewing at Yasaka shrine september 2019

In this article, we can enjoy a Moon viewing in Yasaka shrine in Kyoto. Moon viewing is a festival/ritual to admire the full moon in September with music and dance performances.
For International Readers

What is Goriyaku? ご利益につき英語で説明

When we visit Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples, we expect Goriyaku there. In this post, I'll show you what Goriyaku and the way they are generated. 合掌