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For International Readers

Zen Words 2: Chisoku 我唯足知につき英語で説明

The Tsukubai of Ryoanji temple gives us a message: Chisoku. It means "I already know I have all I want to have."
Japanese culture and traditions

The meaning of Matsuri 祭の意義につき英語で説明

Matsuri is held in order to show gratitude, respect for Kami or to ask for something to them with offerings and artistic performances. This post will be revised. This is ver. 2.1
Japanese culture and traditions

Zen words 1: What is Zen and Buddhism?

Zen words are short sentences lead us to Zen. Zen is a way to understand the truth or "the aim" of Buddhism through experiences. Zen words helps us to it. 合掌
For International Readers

Kyoto Autumn leaves 2024 Itinerary 6: Iconic places never to be missed

In this post, I'll show you an itinerary to enjoy the autumn leaves in iconic places: Kiyomizudera, Kinkakuji, Eikando, Nanzenji, Tenjuan, and the night illumination of Eikando and Kiyomizudera.
For International Readers

Kyoto Autumn leaves 2024 Itinerary 5: Underrated, quiet places with the origin of Manga

In this post, I'll show you an itinerary to visit some underrated places in Takao on the outskirt of Kyoto: Kozanji, Saimyoji, and Jingoji temple.
For International Readers

Kiyomizudera on wheelchair: Barrier-free accessibility

Kiyomizudera has ramps and accessible toilets for the people with disabilities. In this post, I'll show the way to visit it.
For International Readers

Kyoto Autumn leaves 2024 Itinerary 4: Underrated, quiet places with Sakuras

Some underrated places in for autumn leaves. Jisso-in, Rengeji, Sanzen-in, Jikko-in, and Hosen-in. We can enjoy Sakuras in some places.
For International Readers

Kyoto Autumn Leaves 2024 Itinerary 3: IN BRILLIANT RED

In this post, I'll show you an itinerary to enjoy the autumn leaves in extraordinary red in Kyoto: Eikando temple, Konkaikomyoji temple, Kitanotenmangu shrine, and Nison-in temple. 
For International Readers

Kyoto Autumn leaves 2024 Itinerary 2: Zen temples, the best autumn leaves and night illumination

The itinerary to enjoy the autumn leaves in Zen temple in Kyoto 2024 in late November or early December: Tofukuji tempole, Komyoin temple, Korinin temple, Ryoanji temple, and Toji.