In this post, I’ll show you an itinerary to visit some underrated places on the outskirt of Kyoto: Kozanji, Saimyoji, and Jingoji temple.
Cozy places.
Start at Kyoto sta. or Shijo Karasuma
- JR BUS for Toganoh JR Kyoto sta. No.3 bus stop 8:00 Toganoh bus stop 8:56
- Kyoto City Bus No.8 Shijo Karasuma bus stop 7:53 Toganoh bus stop 8:56
- JR BUS for Toganoh JR Kyoto sta. No.3 bus stop 8:00 Toganoh bus stop 8:56
- Kyoto City Bus No.8 Shijo Karasuma bus stop 7:55 Toganoh bus stop 8:58

The gray is for week days and the red in for weekends.

The time tables may change. Check out them: JR BUS, and
The blue bus stop is Toganoh bus stop.
Kozanji temple 高山寺
About Kozanji temple 高山寺について
- Crowded?・・・★★★☆☆
- We arrive・・・ 9:00
- We leave・・・10:00
- Entrance fee・・・1,000 JPY
- Website・・・Koznaji (in Japanese)
Kodaiji temple is the only world heritage site in Takao. It has Choju Jinbutsu Giga (鳥獣人物戯画), often referred as “the origin of Manga.”

Check this out.
We can enjoy the autumn leaves in brilliant yellow.

In Takao, the Migoro of Kozanji usually comes later than those of Jingji and Saimyoji temple.
Kozanji is also famous for a statue of Zaizen Dohji, one of the guardians of Buddhism.

We can buy many types of souvenirs of Choju Jinbutsu Giga.

Around 10:00, we leave Kozanji for Saimyoji along with the red line.
At the red alien, there is a bridge. Over the bridge, there is a ticket booth.
Saimyoji temple 西明寺
About Saimyoji temple 西明寺について
- Crowded?・・・★☆☆☆☆
- We arrive・・・10:30
- We leave・・・11:15
- Entrance fee・・・500 JPY
- Website・・・Saimyoji (in Japanese)
Saimyoji is a small and overlooked temple and the best place to enjoy a tranquility in Takao. The view from the bridge is extraordinary.

Quiet and beautiful. Beyond description.

Around 11:15, we leave Saimyoji for Jingoji along with the green line.
Around and after the entrance, there are traditional Japanese restaurants.

Enjoy your lunch in the midst of the Autumn leaves.

On the way to Jingoji, we may meet them.

Jingoji temple 神護寺
About Jingoji temple 神護寺について
- Crowded?・・・★★★☆☆
- We arrive・・・13:00
- We leave・・・14:10
- Entrance fee・・・500 JPY
- Website・・・Jingoji (in Japanese)
Jingohi is the most famous temple in Takao. It also is one of the most important Buddhist temple because it has a close relationship with Kukai and Saicho. It enshrines a statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the 2nd statue registered as National Treasure.

The statue is awesome.
The autumn leaves there are in red and yellow. As though they are translucent.

Around 14:10, we leave Jingoji for Takao bus stop along with the green line. The red bus stop is Takao bus stop.
Takao Bus stop 高雄バス停

The next one leaves at 15:16.
Ryoanji temple 龍安寺
Ryoanji mae bus stop is located near the entrance of Ryoanji temple. Near the ticket booth, there are tea houses.

Take a short break.
About Ryounji temple 龍安寺について
- Crowded?・・・★★★★★★★★★★★★
- We arrive・・・15:00
- We leave・・・16:00
- Entrance fee・・・600 JPY
- Website・・・Ryoanji (in Japanese)
Ryoanji is one of the famous temple in Kyoto, It is famous for the Rock Garden.

ATTENTION!!! When Takao is in Migoro, Ryoanji is not in Migoro.
Ryoajji would be in Migoro about a couple of weeks later.

Check them out.