Kiyomizudera has ramps and accessible toilets for the people with disabilities. In this post, I’ll show the way to visit it.

Kiyomizudera? Check them out!

Visit it virtually.
In front of Nioh mon gate to Todoroki mon gate スタート地点 仁王門~轟門

On taxi, we can get to the pond I’ll show you later.
This is the entrance of Kiyomizudera. The gate is Niohmon gate. Others pass through it but we turn left.

Taxis are on the same way.
Find the ISA.
On the road, there are ISAs and arrows.
Go straight. Gentle hill.
We’ll reach a pond.
Make sure we’re on the way.
Climb up the gentle hill. The circle indicates an accessible restroom.

Taxis reach there.
We’ll find this gate. This is Todorokimon gate. On wheelchair, we enter the temple through the gate indicated with the circle.
Before entering, buy tickets at the ticket booth.
Early in the morning, I guess before 8:00, we buy tickets at Todorokimon gate.
The main hall 御本堂
There are many ramps inside of the temple. The statue is Daikkuten and we can be in front of him.

Sometimes, he is not located there. Don’t worry, we can find him somewhere in the main hall.
The circle indicates the stage. To our regret, there are no ramps to reach there.

Don’t worry, ASK FOR HELP.

The view from the stage.
We leave the main hall.
Okuno-in to Niohmon gate 奥の院~仁王門
Go straight ahead and turn right. There is Jishu shrine behind us but it is closed due to a renovation.
In front of Amida-do there is a ramp to the stage of Okuno-in.
Okunoin also has a stage and we can have an iconic view of the main hall there.
We leave Okuno-in.
Climb up the gentle hill with cobblestones and look back to the main hall.

Quite a view, isn’t it?
Climb down the steep hill and turn right.
Just go straight ahead.
The accessible restroom.
Turn left.
The foot of the stage.
We’ll reach a pond and turn left.
We’ll find Niohmon gate again.
Taxi and your car タクシー・自家用車の場合

On your car, go to Kiyomizudera by way of Chawan Zaka. On a taxi, just ask the driver you visit the temple on wheelchair.
At Gojozaka crossing.
After Gojozaka, you’ll find a crosswalk without a signal. Turn right at the crossing and go straight. You’ll reach a gate. You can make an extension call there. After the call, the temple will open up the gate.