- Page 1 Introduction, Kiyomizudera, Kinkakuji
- Page 2 Eikando, Tenjuan, Nanzenji, Eikando night illumination, Kiyojmizudera Night illumination.
The following is the contents of this article
In this post, I’ll show you an itinerary to enjoy the autumn leaves in iconic places: Kiyomizudera, Kinkakuji, Eikando, Nanzenji, Tenjuan, and the night illumination of Eikando and Kiyomizudera.

We visit famous places and this itinerary would be behind schedule. I can’t guarantee you can visit all the places.
Kyoto sta. bus stop @ 05:31 京都駅発 5時31分

This itinerary begins at Kyoto sta. bus stop. In case you don’t start at Kyoto sta., be Niohmon gate of Kiyomizudera around 06:00.
At Kyoto sta. D2 bus stop (the red circles), take no. 206 for Gion via Kiyomizu-dera temple.

No. 206 is a loop line. There are 206s depart at A3 for the opposite direction. Don’t take them. TAKE 206 AT D2 BUS STOP.

Be on time. We visit Kiyomizudera before it gets crowded with tourists.
Kiyomizu michi bus stop @ 05:43 清水道バス停 5時43分着
The nearest bus stop is Kiyomizu Michi bus stop. It takes about 20 minutes to Kiyomizu-dera.

Check this out.

Kiyomizu dera 清水寺
About Kiyomizudera temple 清水寺について
- Crowded?・・・★★☆☆☆ (not so crowded early morning)
- We arrive・・・ 6:00
- We leave・・・7:00
- Entrance fee・・・600 JPY
- Website・・・Kiyomizudera (in English)
Kiyomizudera is one of the most famous places to visit in Kyoto. Actually, it is always crowded with many tourists.
We can enjoy the extraordinary autumn leaves on the iconic stage.

Check out the video. The renovation was finished on the day before. Enjoy them on the brand-new stage, BAAAAH!!!!!
There are many Momiji trees near the stage and we can admire them on the stage of Okuno-in.

Kiyomizudera has many facilities. We are on the stage of Okuno-in around 10:00. Check the video out.

There are many things to see there.
Gion bus stop @ 07:40 祇園バス停 7時40分頃
Be at Gion bus stop B around 07:40. It takes about 30 minutes from Kiyomizudera temple. Take no.12 for Kinkakuji at 07:50 (weekdays) or 07:49 (weekends and holidays).
We’ll gat to Kinkakuji michi bus stop around 08:30.

There are 3 Gion bus stops and bus stop B is located in front of Japan Kanji Museum and Library. You’ll find this gate on the right.
Kinkakuji @ 08:45 金閣寺着 8時45分頃
There are 3 Kinkkauji michi bus stops. No. 12 arrives at the red one. The red alien is the entrance of Kinkakuji temple.

Walk in the same direction the bus you were on goes. Turn right at the second traffic light (indicated as 金閣寺前/ Kinkakujimae) and you’ll find the entrance.
Kinkakuji opens up the gate at 09:00. In the autumn leaves seasons, we usually wait in line to enter.

I would takes hours to enter. I waited about 2 hours couples of years ago. Kinkakuji is a large place and it takes about 1 hour to get through to the exit. So, I planed to leave there around 11:00.
Kinkakuji temple 金閣寺
About Kinkakuji temple 金閣寺について
- Crowded?・・・★★★★★★★★ (out of 5 stars)
- We arrive・・・ 9:00
- We leave・・・11:00
- Entrance fee・・・600 JPY
- Website・・・Kiyomizudera (in English)
Kinkakuji is also a famous place to visit in Kyoto and crowded especially in the autumn leaves season. It has many faculties in a large garden.

The red octopus is the entrance and the yellow one is the exit. It takes about 1 hour to reach the exit in this season.
At the red octopus, we can see the golden pavilion. Kinkakuji is designed to enjoy on boat and there are few Momijis to be enjoyed with it.
The garden under the strong influence of is a beautiful one with many autumn leaves.

About Kinkakuji?

Leave Kinkakuji around 11:00 金閣寺発 11時半
Take no.12, 102, 204, or 205 for Kitaoji Bus Terminal at bus stop C.
We head for Kyoto shiyakusho-mae sta. as following:
- At Subway Kitaoji sta., adjacent to Kitaoji Bus Terminal, take a subway Karasuma line for Kyoto sta.
- At Karasuma Oike sta., change to a Subway Tozai line and get off at Kyoto shiyakusho-mae sta.