- This page Intoroduction, Breaking 2023, etc.
- Page 2 Chinowa Kuguri, Chogomai, etc.
- Page 3 Hokotate, Omukae Chochin, Mikoshi Arai, etc.
- Page 4 Saki Matsuri Yoiyama
- Page 5 Samurai Armor exhibition, Yoimiya Sai, etc.
- Page 6 Saki Matsusri Yamahoko and Mikoshi parade, etc.
- Page 7 Ato Matsuri Yoiyama and Abare Kannon, etc.
- Page 8 Ato Matsuri Yamahoko parade, etc.

EXCLUSIVE!!! In 2022, Takayama came back to Yamahoko Parade for the 1st time in 196 years!!! Check out the post below!!!

Gion matsuri is one of the oldest matsuri/festival in Japan. It started in 869 and 2019 marks the 1150th anniversary. There are many rituals and ceremonies held in July and we call them “Gion matsuri.” In this post, you can see exact schedule of them.
Attention: The schedule might change. Check out the website of Yasaka Shrine.
Schedule 2024 (July)/ Reiwa 6
Date | Hours | EVENTS | |
1st | 10:00 | Naginatahokocho Osendo 長刀鉾町御千度 |
Ochigosan and the neighbourhood association of Naginata Hoko pay a visit to Yasaka shrine. |
2nd | 11:30 | Yamahoko Rengokai Shasan 山鉾連合会社参 |
Members of Yamahoko Rengokai association pay a visit to Yasaka shrine. |
3rd | 14:00 | Hamo Hono Hokoku Sai 鱧奉納奉告祭 |
The Tourism Assosiation of Awaji dedicates Hamo fishes. |
7th | 14:30 | Ayagasahoko Chigo Shasan 綾傘鉾稚児社参 |
Ochigosan and the neighbourhood association pay a visit to Yasaka shrine. |
10th | 13:00 | Japanese Mythology Reading 日本神話語り奉納 |
Story tellers’ dedication of Japanese Mythology. |
16:30 | Omukae Chochin お迎え提灯 |
Parade welcomes Mikoshis | |
20:00 | Mikoshi Arai Shiki 神輿洗式 |
Mikoshi is cleansed on Shijo Ohashi bridge | |
13~24th | Otabisho Juyosho Opens | We can buy Chimaki amulet in Otabisho | |
13th | 11:00 | Naginatahoko Chigo Shasan 長刀鉾稚児社参 |
Ochogosan pays a visit to Yasaka shrine on his steed. |
14:00 | Kuze Chigo Shasan 久世稚児社参 |
The counsil of Ayato Kuninaka shrine pays a visit to Yasaka shrine. | |
14th | 10:30 | Shinsenen, Gionsha Goshinsui Koukan 神泉苑・祇園御神水交換 |
At Shinsenen temple, Yasaka shrine and Shinsenen exchange the sacred water each other |
15th | 10:00 | Ikamaryuu Hocho Honoshiki 生間流包丁奉納式 |
In the main hall of Yasaka shrine. |
20:00 | Yoimiya Sai 宵宮祭 |
Preiests lead the Deities to Mikoshi. | |
16th | 9:00 | Kencha Sai 献茶祭 |
At Yasaka Shrine. |
18:30 | Iwami Kagura Hono 石見神楽 |
The Kagura performance tells a story of the Deity. | |
23:00 | Hiyori Kagura 日和神楽 |
The musicians of Yamahoko floats dedicates Kagura music to the Deities at Otabisho. | |
17th | 9:00 | Yamahoko Parade 山鉾巡行 |
23 Yamahokos |
16:00 | Shinkoh Sai 神幸祭 |
Ceremony at Yasaka shrine | |
18:00 | Mikoshi Togyo Syupatsu Sai 神輿渡御出発祭 |
3 Mikoshis head for Otabisho. | |
23rd | 9:00 | Sencha Kencha Sai 煎茶献茶祭 |
At Yasaka Shrine. |
14:00 | Ohake Kiyoharae shiki オハケ清祓式 |
Ceremony at Matarabisha | |
22:00 | Hiyori Kagura 日和神楽 |
The musicians of Yamahoko floats dedicates Kagura music to the Deities at Otabisho. | |
24th | 9:30 | Yamahoko Parade 山鉾巡行 |
11 yamahokos |
9:30 | Hanagasa Parade 花傘巡行 |
Parade belongs to Yamahoko parade | |
Around 23:00 | Kanko Sai 還幸祭 |
3 Mikoshis return Yasaka shrine. | |
28th | 20:00 | Mikoshi Arai Shiki 神輿洗式 |
Mikoshi is cleansed on Shijo Ohashi bridge |
31st | 10:00 | Eki Jinja Nagoshi Sai 疫神社夏越祭 |
At Eki Jinja shrine, in Yasaka shrine. |
Yoiyama 2024
- Saki Matsuri ・・・7/14~16
- Ato Matsuri ・・・7/21~23
At Saki Matsuri, traffic regulations must be on.

Yamahoko building
Saki Matsuri 前祭 | |
10th | Naginata Hoko長刀鉾 |
Kanko Hoko函谷鉾 | |
Niwatori Hoko鶏鉾 | |
Kikusui Hoko菊水鉾 | |
Tsuki Hoko月鉾 | |
11th | Fune Hoko船鉾 |
Hoka Hoko放下鉾 | |
Iwato Yama岩戸山 | |
12th | Hosho Yama保昌山 |
Hakuga Yama伯牙山 | |
13th | Ashikari Yama芦刈山 |
Urade Yama占出山 | |
Yamabushi Yama山伏山 | |
Arare Tenjin Yama霰天神山 | |
Kakkyo Yama郭巨山 | |
Hakuga Yama伯牙山 | |
Ashikari Yama芦刈山 | |
Abura Tenjin Yama油天神山 | |
Tokusa Yama木賊山 | |
Taishi Yama太子山 | |
Hakurakuten Yama白楽天山 | |
Ayagasa Hoko綾傘鉾 | |
Toro Yama蟷螂山 | |
14th | Moso Yama孟宗山 |
Shijo Kasahoko四条傘鉾 | |
Atomatsuri 後祭 | |
18th | Minami Kannnon Yama南観音山 |
Shijo Ofune Hok四条大船鉾 | |
Takayama鷹山 | |
19th | Koiyama鯉山 |
Kuranushi Yama黒主山 | |
Minami Kannon Yama南観音山 | |
Koi Yama鯉山 | |
20th | Ennno Gyoja Yama役行者山 |
Suzuka Yama鈴鹿山 | |
Hachiman Yama八幡山 | |
21st | Hashi Benkei Yama橋弁慶山 |
Kaisho open hours
Kaisho is a place each Yamahoko float belongs to. Usually, it is a storehouse of floats. In Gion Matsuri, it works as headquarters. We can enjoy Kaisyo Kazari and buy souvenirs there.
What is Gion Matsuri?

Check out!!!

- Why celebrated?
- Why Gion matsuri started in the private garden of emperors? (It is a post of the rock garden of Ryoanji and shows you the meaning of Japanese garden.)
- Gozu tenno and epidemics
- Mikoshis of Gion Matsuri
- When Yamahoko parade started?
- How to make Yamahoko floats?
- All the Yamahoko floats
- Sakimatsuri Yoiyama
- Atomatsuri Yoiyama