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Yamahoko Junko 2024: All the Yamahoko floats in Gion matsuri 祇園祭すべての山鉾・辻回し英語で解説



In this article, you can learn all 34 Yamaboko/Yamahoko floats of Gion Matsuri festival with their “Tsujimawashi” videos and short tips.

The information of their Goshuin stamps and souvenirs are also available.

いちきしま ひめ
いちきしま ひめ

In 2023, Goshuin of Koiyama is not available.


How to tell the Yama from Hoko?

We have four kinds of floats; Hoko, Hikiyama, Kakiyama, and Yatai.

Hoko has a rod on a roof. Hikiyama has a pine tree and wheels. Kakiyama has a pine tree and with no wheels. Yatai has no wheels and pine tree (resembles Kakiyama) and Fune Hoko and Ohfune Hoko. Check out the link below.

How can we tell apart Hoko, Yama and Yatai in the Yamahoko parade of Gion Matsuri festival? 山鉾の区別の仕方英語で説明
In Yamahoko parade of Gion Matsuri festival, we can find 35 Yamahoko floats. We have three kinds of them: Hoko, Yama, and Yatai. In this article, I'll show you the way to tell apart them easily.

The order of Yamahoko parade 2024

Saki Matsuri 7/17

順番 くじ 山鉾
1 くじ取らず 長刀鉾 Naginatahoko
2 山壱番 油天神山 Abura Tenjin Yama
3 山弐番 伯牙山 Hakuga Yama
4 山参番 白楽天山 Hakurakuten Yama
5 くじ取らず 函谷鉾 Kanko Hoko
6 山四番 山伏山 Yamabushi Yama
7 傘壱番 綾傘鉾 Ayagasa Hoko
8 山五番 保昌山 Hosho Yama
9 鉾壱番 鶏鉾 Niwatori Hoko
10 山六番 霰天神山 Arare Tenjin Yama
11 山七番 芦刈山 Ashikari Yama
12 山八番 孟宗山 Moso Yama
13 鉾弐番 月鉾 Tsuki Hoko
14 山九番 太子山 Taishi Yama
15 傘弐番 四条傘鉾 Shijo Kasahoko
16 山拾番 蟷螂山 Toro Yama
17 鉾参番 菊水鉾 Kikusui Hoko
18 山拾壱番 木賊山 Tokusa Yama
19 山拾弐番 郭巨山 Kakkyo Yama
20 山拾参番 占出山 Urade Yama
21 くじ取らず 放下鉾 Hohka Hoko
22 くじ取らず 岩戸山 Iwato Yama
23 くじ取らず 船鉾 Fune Hoko

Ato Matsuri 7/24

順番 くじ 山鉾
1 くじ取らず 橋弁慶山 Hasih Benkei Yama
2 くじ取らず 北観音山 Kita Kannon Yama
3 山一番 黒主山 Kuronushi Yama
4 山弐番 鯉山 Koi Yama
5 山参番 鈴鹿山 Suzuka Yama
6 くじ取らず 南観音山 Minami Kannon Yama
7 山四番 浄妙山 Jyomyo Yama
8 山五番 八幡山 Hachiman Yama
9 山六番 役行者山 En no Gyoja Yama
10 くじ取らず 鷹山 Taka Yama
11 くじ取らず 大船鉾 Ohfune Hoko

Naginata Boko 長刀鉾

Naginata hoko is the most popular and famous Hoko in Gion Matsuri festival.


Naginata is a traditional Japanese sword invented in Heian period. Naginata hoko has long naginata on the roof and that is the reason why it is called “Naginata hoko. The Naginata is known for its power to take away evil spirits.

The order of Yamaboko float parade was decided on the lottery but Naginata hoko is always at the top of the parade because of its ability put away evil spirits.

Only Naginata hoko has “Ochigosan” boy on it.

He performs “Chigomai” dance during the parade.

長刀鉾の授与品2017 長刀鉾の御朱印


Kanko Boko 函谷鉾

Lord Mengchang, a states person of Qin dynasty in acient China, and his collegue was on the run. They arrived at a gate in Kankokukan valley at night. The gate opened at dawn. One of them crowed as rooster and they escaped narrowly.



Kikusui Boko 菊水鉾



Kikusui Hoko was named after a well which bears the same name in the district.


Tsuki Boko 月鉾

Tsuki hoko (月鉾) is named after “Tsukuyomi no Mikoto (月読尊)”, a son of the Deity of Yasaka shrine.



Niwatori Boko 鶏鉾

Niwatori hoko is based on an old story: In ancient China, people used a drum at lawsuits. When peace ruled the country, roosters and hens lived in the drum because there were no conflicts.



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