The following is Atomatsrui!
Kita Kannon Yama 北観音山
It enshrines Yoryu Kannon.
Minami Kannon Yama 南観音山
It also Yoryu Kannon. Minami and Kita Kannon Yama used to be the same Yama.

Kita Hashi Benkei Yama 橋弁慶山
It show us the famous battle of Benkei and Ushiwaka maru.
En no Gyoja Yama 役行者山
In an old story, En no Gyoja make a bridge.
On the eve of the parade, Gomadaki ritual is held.
Koi yama 鯉山
In ancient Chinese saying, a carp climb up a fall to be a dragon. Koiyama is ornamented with a pieces of a tapestry describes a scene of the Iliad.