Hoka Hoko 放下鉾
“Hoka” means “Hokaso,” a Buddhist monk comedian.
Hoka Hoko has “Chigo figurine” instead of Ochigosan.
Iwato Yama 岩戸山
Iwato means “Amano Iwato” the huge rock Amaterasu Ohmikami hid behind in Japanese mythology.
Fune Hoko 船鉾
Empress Jingu went to the battle field on a ship though she was pregnant. After the war, she gave birth to Emperor Ojin. Due to this story, Fune hoko has Goriyaku of easy delivery.
Yamabushi Yama 山伏山
When Yasaka pagoda was nearly falling down, a Yamabushi (Buddhist monk trains themselves in mountains) saved it. Yamabushi Yama has his figurine.
Moso Yama 孟宗山
Moso was search for food for his mother. Finally he found “Takenoko” (baby bamboo) in the snow.