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Gion Matsuri Festival

Gion Matsuri Festival Gion Matsuri Festival
For International Readers

Gion Matsuri 2023: Chinowa Kuguri at Ekijinja Nagoshi Sai 疫神社夏越祭英語で説明

Gion Matsuri is completed with Ekijinja Nagoshi Sai on 7/31. We visit the shrine to give prayer, to do Chinowa Kuguri and to make Chinowa amulet.
For International Readers

Gion Matsuri 2024 : Sakimatsuri Yoiyama 祇園祭前祭宵山英語で説明

In Gion Matsuri 2024, Yoiyama take place prior to Yamahoko parade. In this article, you can learn the way to enjoy it.
For International Readers

TAKAYAMA COME BACK SPECIAL 2022 in Gion Matsuri!!! 祇園祭鷹山英語で説明

Takayamma is one of the long-lost Yamahoko floats in Gion matsuri. In 2022, it will come back to the parade for the first time in 196 years.
For International Readers

When did Yamahoko Parade start? : A short history of Yamahoko parade 山鉾巡行はいつから始まったか英語で説明

Introduction Gion Matsuri festival is famours for Yamahoko floats and their parade lures lots of people to the ancient c...
For International Readers

How can we tell apart Hoko, Yama and Yatai in the Yamahoko parade of Gion Matsuri festival? 山鉾の区別の仕方英語で説明

In Yamahoko parade of Gion Matsuri festival, we can find 35 Yamahoko floats. We have three kinds of them: Hoko, Yama, and Yatai. In this article, I'll show you the way to tell apart them easily.
For International Readers

Gozu Tenno and Yasaka shrine: The Deity is still alive in the fear of COVID-19 牛頭天王英語で説明

Gozu Tenno is a Deity enshrined in Gion sha, the former Yasaka shrine. Gion matsuri is started oh his story and its still alive in the fear of COVID-19.
Gion Matsuri Festival

Gion Matsuri festival 2023: Kuze Komagata Chigo, the most important figure 久世駒形稚児英語で説明

Kuze Komagata Chigo is the most important figure in Gion Matsuri festival. Without him, Gion Matsuri cannot be accomplished.
Gion Matsuri Festival

The shedule of Gion Matsuri 2022 altered due to COVID-19: 祇園祭2022変更点英語で説明

In 2020, the schedule of Gion Matsuri was changed due to COVID-19. Yamahoko parade, Yoiyamas of Sakimatsuri and Atomatsuri. are canceled and Mikoshi stays in Yasaka shrine though Deities visit the city.
Gion Matsuri Festival

Yamahoko Junko 2024: All the Yamahoko floats in Gion matsuri 祇園祭すべての山鉾・辻回し英語で解説

In this article, you can learn all 36 Yamahoko floats of Gion Matsuri festival with their "Tujimawashi" videos and short tips. The information of their Goshuin stamps and souvenirs are also available.