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Kyoto Autumn Leaves 2024 Itinerary 3: IN BRILLIANT RED



In this post, I’ll show you an itinerary to enjoy the autumn leaves in extraordinary red in Kyoto: Eikando temple, Konkaikomyoji temple, Kitanotenmangu shrine, and Nison-in temple.


Start at Kyoto Subway Keage station


08:30 at Keage sta.

We head for Eikando temple. On foot as indicated in the map.

Around 10:30, we head for Eikando Temple.


1. Eikando temple 永観堂(禅林寺)の紅葉

About Eikando temple 永観堂について

  • Crowded?・・・★★★★★
  • We arrive: 8:45
  • We leave: 10:30
  • Entrance fee・・・1000 JPY (Fall only. 600 JPY usually)
  • Website・・・Eikando (in Japanese)

About Eikando temple 永観堂(禅林寺)の特徴

Eikando is the most famous place to enjoy autumn leaves in Kyoto. Actually, we can admire many beautiful colors. If you can visit only one place to visit in fall, this is the place.

Eikando, Zenrinji in Kyoto: The best autumn leaves and night illumination
Eikando/Zenrinji is the best autumn leaves and night illumination spot in Kyoto. The way to enjoy them, open hours, entrance fee, access are also available!

The most crowded place but worth visiting. Be there without fail.

As described, Eikando provides us with one of the most beautiful colors in Kyoto. In addition to it, there are many trees and Migoro goes on for a long time.

We can enjoy the autumn leaves in red and the ones near the big Gingko tree the best place. The tree is located near the exit of the garden.





To Konkaikomyoji Temple 金戒光明寺に向け出発

It takes about 20 minutes. We could visit there by way of Okazaki shrine.


2. Konkaikomyoji temple 金戒光明寺の紅葉

About Konkaikomyoji temple 金戒光明寺について

  • Crowded?・・・★☆☆☆☆
  • We arrive: 10:45
  • We leave: 12:00
  • Entrance fee・・・1200 JPY
  • Website・・・Eikando (in English)

Sanmon Gate 山門

Konkaikomyoji is one of the most underrated place to enjoy autumn leaves in Kyoto. The garden belongs to the Hojo is open to us and we can admire the leaves in extraordinary red and the pond makes a Mizukagami. It also famous for “Afro Buddha” and the Afro Duckies but the duckies are missing now.

Afro Buddha in Kyoto アフロ大仏英語で説明
The real name of "Afro Buddha" is "Goko Shii Amidabutsu.(五劫思惟阿弥陀仏)" It means that a Buddha meditates forever. In this artile, you can learn the reason of its hair style and its features, souvenirs and so on.
THE AFRO DUCKIES in Konkai Komyoji: MISSING 金戒光明寺のアフロアヒル英語で説明
The Afro duckies are messengers of AFRO BUDDHA in Konkai Komyoji temple. They make 3-D Raigozu to save those who in despair. 金戒光明寺のアヒルさんにつき、英語で説明申し上げます。合掌

Sanmon Gate 山門


Konkaikomyoji has an iconic Sanmon gate as Nanzenji. In this fall we can visit it and have a good view of Kyoto. The leaves in front of it are in red.

The garden 方丈庭園


This is the place. The leaves are in dull red. We can find this color in any other places. The trees around the pond makes a perfect Mizukagami despite in the daytime.

To Kitano Tenmangu shrine 北野天満宮に向け出発

Head for Okazkimichi bus stop (red) or Okazaki jinja mae bus stop (blue).


3. Lunch time



Lunch time, BAAAHHH!!!




Get off at Kamishiciken bus stop and have a lunch in the restaurant in Kamishichiken destrict. We can enjoy the traditional Kyoto cuisine in calmness.


4. Kitano Tenmangu shrine 北野天満宮

About Kitano Tenmangu 北野天満天満宮の紅葉

  • Crowded?・・・★☆☆☆☆
  • We arrive: 13:00
  • We leave: 14:00
  • Entrance fee・・・1200 JPY
  • Website・・・Kitano Tenmangu (in English)


Kitano Tenmangu is one of the most famous places among students due to and also one of the most underrated places for autumn leaves.


It enshrines Sugawara no Michizane, the most learned court noble. He is a deity of study depending on the faith of Goryo. The faith was established in the 10th century and is still alive. Gion Matsuri takes place on the same faith.

The faith of Goryo 御霊信仰につき英語で説明
Mitama is a sprit of the deceased. Ancient people thought it caused natural disasters and epidemics. In this post, I'll show you how people managed them in order to accomplish to the peace. 合掌

In fall, Odoi, the debris of bank that woudl make the border of ancient Kyoto city, open to us and there are many leaves in clear red. Of course other colors are amazing.

To Nisonin temple 二尊院に向け出発

Nishonin is located in Arashiyama. Take train at Randen Kitano Hakubaicho station. Change train for Arashiyama at Katabirano tsuji station.

Randen Arashiyama station is a final station. We go to Nison-in by way of the Bamboo forest. A souvenir shop near Nison-in, we can buy Tanuki figurines promise us prosperity.

Tanuki racoon dog brings us prosperity 信楽焼の狸と八相縁起につき英語で説明
Shigaraki Yaki Tanuki figurine brings us prosperity with its Hasso Engi, the Buddhist conception.

5. Nison-in temple 二尊院

About Nison-in temple 二尊院の紅葉

  • Crowded?・・・★★★★☆
  • We arrive: 15:30
  • We leave: 16:30
  • Entrance fee・・・600 JPY
  • Website・・・Nison-in (in English)


Nison-in was established in the 9th century and is a one of the oldest temple in Kyoto. It was named “Nison-in (Temple with 2 deities)” because it enshrines 2 deities as the main one.  The Kaede leaves grow like a tunnel in the passage to the main hall.


“Dragon garden” belongs to the main hall also is a beautiful.