- This page Intoroduction, Breaking 2023, etc.
- Page 2 Chinowa Kuguri, Chogomai, etc.
- Page 3 Hokotate, Omukae Chochin, Mikoshi Arai, etc.
- Page 4 Saki Matsuri Yoiyama
- Page 5 Samurai Armor exhibition, Yoimiya Sai, etc.
- Page 6 Saki Matsusri Yamahoko and Mikoshi parade, etc.
- Page 7 Ato Matsuri Yoiyama and Abare Kannon, etc.
- Page 8 Ato Matsuri Yamahoko parade, etc.
- Samrai armor exhibition 15th~17th
- Imidake Tate 斎竹建て 15th July
- Mitarai ido biraki 御手洗井戸開 15th July
- Ikamaryu Hocho Hono 生間流式包丁奉納 15th July
- Gion Matsuri Dento Geino Taikai 祇園祭伝統芸能大会 15th July
- Yoimiya sai (宵宮祭) 15th July Recommended
- Hiyori Kagura (日和神楽) 16th July
- Kencha sai 献茶祭 16th July
- Hoen Sensyoji Masakaki Tate 豊園泉正寺真榊建 16th July
- Yoimiya Shinho Hono Gyoji 宵宮神賑奉納行事 16th July
- Iwami Kagura 石見神楽 16th July
Samrai armor exhibition 15th~17th
By the summer of 1974, the denizens of Yumiya cho led the Mikoshis on Samurai armors. At Yumiya cho district, the exhibition of them is held.

Imidake Tate 斎竹建て 15th July
Two bamboo trees is installed at Shijo Fuyamachi. A rope makes a Kekkai border is put between them.
16:30~ At Sjokp Fuyamchi
Mitarai ido biraki 御手洗井戸開 15th July
There is well around Shijo Karasuma. There used to be a edifice of Gion-sha. During Gion Goryo-e, the water of the well would be served for Gozutenno.
7:00~ At Karasuma Nsihiki
Ikamaryu Hocho Hono 生間流式包丁奉納 15th July
In Ikamaryu, cook made cuisine without touching fish with hand. They use sticks and knife like a man in the photo. The footage is a ritual in Heian Jingu shrine.
10:00~ At Yasaka shrine
Gion Matsuri Dento Geino Taikai 祇園祭伝統芸能大会 15th July
At Yasaka shrine, traditional art performance like Imayo is dedicated to the Deities of Yasaka shrine. You can see Imayo aroud 0:45 in the video of Mifune matsuri.
15:00~ at Yasaka Shrine
Yoimiya sai (宵宮祭) 15th July Recommended
Shinto priests brings the spirits of Susanoo-nomikoto (素戔嗚尊), Kusinadahime-nomikoto (櫛稲田姫命), and Yahashira-nomikogami (八柱御子神) into the three portable shrines called Mikoshi. This ritual so sacred that no one allowed to take pictures.
In complete darkness, the priests led by small paper lantern coming out of main hall of Yasaka shrine. I suppose they have small boxes in which the sprits of Karmis are.(It is too dark to see. Every single lighting is shut down.)
They go to Buden where three Mikoshis stay and put the spirits into Mikoshis.
20:00~ at Yasaka Shrine
Hiyori Kagura (日和神楽) 16th July
Hayashikata (the musicians of Ohayashi) go to a place where Mikoshis stays for a week.
Around 22:00~ at Otabisho
Kencha sai 献茶祭 16th July
In the main hall of Yasaka shrine, cups of tea are dedicated to the Deities. At Noh butai, Gion Bayashi music is also dedicated.
9:00~ At Yasaka shrine
Hoen Sensyoji Masakaki Tate 豊園泉正寺真榊建 16th July
Sakaki is a plant in altar. In Gion matsrui, large Sakaki leads Mikoshi. The plant is prepared at Rakuoh elementary school on the day.
9:00~ At Rakuoh elementary
Yoimiya Shinho Hono Gyoji 宵宮神賑奉納行事 16th July
Near twilight on the day, Shijo street near Yasaka shrine has a car-free zone. In the area, many performance are held.
Iwami Kagura 石見神楽 16th July
Iwami Kagura is a theatrical performance in which an oddysey of Susano no mikoto, the Deity of Yasaka shrine.
18:30~ At Yasaka shrine.