Introduction 概説
Awata Matsuri is one of the most underrated Matsuri in Kyoto though Kenbokos have something to do with Yamaboko floats of Gion Matsuri. In this post, I’ll show you the schedule of 2024 and must-sees. Check out Awata shrine website (in Japanese only). 合掌
What is Awata Matsuri? 粟田祭とは?
Awata Matsuri is the most important ceremony in Awata Shrine.
Awata shrine was founded in 876 by the order of the Imperial court and it enshrines Suasanoh no Mikoto(素戔嗚尊), Kushinada Hime(櫛稲田姫命) no Mikoto and other deities.

The shrine was known as Ganjin-in Shingu (感神院新宮). Kanjin-in is a former name of Yasaka shrine. Shingu means “New or another Kanjin-in.”
On 9/9/1001, a child visited Gion-sha (a.k.a. Kanjin-in ) out of nowhere and said, “7 days later, to the north of Gion sha, you’ll find a good omen. Bring the deities there.”
7 days later, the omen appeared in a place we find Awata shrine, and Susanoh no Mikoto and other deities enshrined there. This is the beginning of Awata Matsuri.
As indicated previously, Awata shrine has something to do with Gion-sha. Actually, they enshrine the same deities: Suasanoh no Mikoto(素戔嗚尊), Kushinada Hime(櫛稲田姫命) no Mikoto and other deities. In Shinbutsu Shugo, the co-exsitence of Shinto and Buddhism, Susanoh fused with Gozu Tenno. The aim of Gion Matsuri is to get rid of epidemics and it couldn’t be accomplished without him.
In the 14th century, Gion Matsuri was canceled for a decade and Awata Matsuri was held on behalf of Gion Matsuri.
Schedule of 2023 日程
Date | Hour | Ceremony |
10/12 sat | 17:30 | Oide Sai 出御祭 |
18:10 | Gion Bayashi live performance 祇園囃子奉納 |
18:45 | Hokensyu Chusenkai 奉献酒抽選会 |
19:30 | Iwami Kagura 石見神楽 |
10/13 sun | 16:45 | Omukae Gyoretsu お迎え行列 |
17:30 | Syupatsu Hokoku Sai 出発報告祭 |
18:00 | Yowatari Shinji 夜渡り神事行列 |
18:30 | Reiken Sai れいけん祭 |
22:00 | Kichaku Hokoku Sai 帰着報告祭 |
10/14 mon | 11:45 | Shinko Sai 神幸祭 |
12:20 | Shinko Sai Saki no Gyoretsu With Kenboko 神幸祭先の行列 |
12:50 | Shinko Sai Mikoshi Togyo 神幸祭神輿渡御 |
18:00 | Kanko Sai 還幸祭 |
10/15 sun | 11:00 | Reitai Sai Hosho Ichijo Ryu Hocho Hono
例大祭 |
Awata Matsuri map 粟田祭マップ
- Red alien・・・Entrance of Awata shrine (2nd Torii gate)
- Green alien・・・Uryuisi 瓜生石
- Blue alien・・・See the photo below
- Train station・・・Subway Higashiyama sta.
- Bus stops・・・Jingumichi bus stop

Enjoy the Hokotate (photo above). Around 16:40 on 10/9.
Must-sees on 10/12
Oide Matsuri 御出祭 17:30 at Awata shrine
The priest bring the sprit of Suasnoh no Mikoto to the portable shrine.

Like Mikage Matsuri, the ceremony prior to Aoi Matsuri.
Gion Bayahsi music 祇園囃子奉納 18:10 at Awata shrine
This event is added to Awata Matsuri this year. (The footage of Gion Matsuri)
Breaking 2023
Iwami Kagura 石見神楽 19:30 at Awata shirne
Iwami Kagura tells us one of the most famous story in Japanese mythology. Susanoh fights against a huge serpent with 8 heads to save the life of Kushinada Hime.

You don’t understand Japanese? Don’t worry. No words spoken.
Strongly recommended. Enjoy it with us!!!
Must-sees on 10/13
Yowatari Shinji ceremony 夜渡り神事 18:00 at Uryuishi
Due to Covid-19, Awata Matsuri was canceled in 2019~2021. Last year Awata Matsuri was held but Yowatari Shinji was canceled due to the hard rain.
Kenboko, huge torches and Awata Daitoro head for UruIishi, the stone Gozu Tenno descended.
- Red Alien Entrance of Awata shrine
- Green Alien 18:30 Reiken Sai
- Light blue Alie 19:25
- Blue Alien 19:50
- Gray Alien 20:20
- Purple Alien 21:25
Awata Daitoro 粟田大灯路 18:00 at Uryuishi
Awata Diatoro is a restored Furyu Toro, the huge lantern. In old days, Furyu Toros was popular. Tokitsugu Kyoki(『言継卿記』),the diary of an aristocrat named Yamashina Tokitsugu, describes they are over 12′ in height and width. Some says they inspired Neputa of Aomori.
Usually, the deities of Awata shrine are theme.
We used to enjoy them at Higashiyama Hanatoro but it ended in 2022.
- Red Alien Entrance of Awata shrine
- Red Cat Starting point of Awata Daitoro
- Green Alien 18:30 Reiken Sai
- Light blue Alie 19:25
- Blue Alien 19:50
- Gray Alien 20:20
- Purple Alien 21:25
Some Daitoro is on the purple route.
Reiken sai れいけん祭 18:30 near Uryu Ishi
Reiken means “The Sacred thing appear.” In front of Uryu Ishi, Shinto and Buddhist ceremonies carry on.
And Kenbokos belong to Awata Shrine visit there.
Must-sees 10/14
Shiko Sai Saki no Gyoretsu (Kenboko)神幸祭 先の行列(剣鉾)12:20
Kenboko is a long Hoko with a small bell.These Kenbokos purifies the road Mikoshi will parade.
Sometimes, Kenboko was developed into the Yamaboko floats of Gion Matsuri but the original form of Yamaboko is Shime Yama in Daijo sai. Kenboko made some contribution to the Shingi rod of Hikiyama and the role of Yamabokos (Purification of the road for Mikoshi ).
- Red Alien Entrance of Awata shrine
- Gray Alien 15:30 Higashiyama Sanjo crossing
- Blue Alien 16:45 Hokotate (check out the previous video) and Tsujimawashi at Sanjo Jingumichi crossing
Sinko Sai Mikoshi Togyo 神幸祭 神輿渡御 12:50
The deity on the Mikoshi leaves Awata shrine and strolls around Ujiko area, a place with a close relationship with a Shinto shrine, and comes back to the shrine around 18:00. The Mikoshi was built in 1862.
- Red Alien Entrance of Awata shrine
- Green Alien 14:25 Uryuishi
- Gray Alien 16:40 Higashiyama Sanjo crossing
- Blue Alien 17:15 Tsujimawashi at Sanjo Jingumichi crossing
Must sees on 10/15
Reitai Sai Hosho Ichijo Ryu Hocho Hono 例大祭 庖勝一條流式庖丁奉納 11:00
The chef of Hosho Ichijo Ryu cooks Shinsen food for the deities. He cooks a fish without touching it by hand.

Traditional dance performance is also available.
About Awata shrine 粟田神社基本情報
Access to Awata shrine 粟田神社へのアクセス
Jingumichi bus stops (5, 46, 86 lines)・・・About 5 minutes
Subway Higashiyama sta. ・・・About 10 minutes

The red alien is the entrance.