Higashiyama Hanatoro 2022
- Dates 4/3/2022 to 13/3/22
- Hours: 18:00~21:30

Higashiyama Hanatoro is expected to end in 2022.
Check the offical website:Higashiyama Hanatoro (In Japanese)
Enjoy the last opportunities with the Beach Boys’ Disney girls!!!

♪the warmth i missed, for the things i wished, they’re all coming true~

Thanks for lots of memories for 17 years, BAAAH!!!
What is Higashiyama Hanatoro? 東山花灯路とは?
Higashiyama Hanatoro is a series of night illumination in Higashiyama district. It focuses on “Akari (灯り).” The word is usually translated as “light” but it actually means “subtle, warm light” in Japanese language.
Now let us make a small inspection on the video.

This article is written on Higashiyama Hanatoro 2019.
Is Higashiyama Hanatoro crowded?
Except week-ends, we don’t have many visitors.

We can enjoy early spring in Kyoto in calmness.
The events of Higashiyama Hanator 2019
Attention: The following photos and information
Akari to Hanano michi「灯りと花の路」
During Higashiyama Hanatoro, streets and paths are illuminated with LED lanterns. These lanterns are made of Washi, the Japanese paper, bamboo, and woods.
The photo above is my favorite place in Higashiyama. It is near Ninenzaka. If you climbed down the street, you could see Yasaka pagoda. It reminds us of the 1st Higashiyama Hanatoro held 16 years ago.
Ikebana promenade「いけばなプロムナード」
Kyoto Ikebana kyokai presents us lots of Ikebana along the streets. Ikebana may be common thing in Japan but we don’t have see it illuminated on the streets usually.
In 2019, we have two exhibitions: From March 8th to 12th and from 13th to 17th. We can enjoy different Ikebana in each period.
Modern Ikebana 「現代いけばな展」
At Maruyama park, we can also enjoy Ikebana. As Ikebana promenade, we have two exhibitions: From March 8th to 12th and from 13th to 17th. We can enjoy different Ikebana in each period.
Maiko san dance「舞妓による奉納舞踊」
At Yasaka shrine, Maiko san dedicate their dances to the Deities of Yasaka shrine on March 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, and 17th. Their dedication begin at 18:30、19:00、19:30 each day.

Omachi shitemasu.
Aokusu no niwa あおくすの庭
It is a small garden located near Shorenin temple. It is so quiet place with small lanterns.
Sakuhana Andon サクハナ行灯
In Aokusu no niwa, there ara illuminated tubes. We put cherry blossom shaped pieces of paper on them. On the paper, we right down our hope. The words on the photo say “May each one’s small happiness embrace the world.”
University students works 大学の街京都・伝統の灯り展
An exhibition of university students art works at Otani Sando.
March of children 火の用心・お囃子組
Elementary school children parade from Shorenin at 18:00 and arrives Kiyomizu-dera temple at 20:15 and play Hanaichi monme, a popular play among Japanese kids.
Oekaki lantern お絵かき行灯
At Kodaiji koen park, we can make original lantern.
Incense 香りのさんぽ路
At Kodaiji and other five places in Higashiyama Hanatoro, you will taste incense burnt. If you found the same one burnt in Kodaiji, you would have a gift named “Kaori no shiori (fragrant bookmark).”
東山花灯路 de 「花咲想(はなさかそう)」
Takii Syubyo co., gives us seed of flowers.
Awata Daitoro「粟田大燈呂」
Awata Daitoro is a huge lanterns we enjoy in Awatasai of Awata shrine. At Maruyama park, an exhibition of the last year’s lanterns is held at Maruyama park.
Shrines and temples illuminated 寺社仏閣のライトアップ・特別拝観
During Higashiyama Hanatoro period, Shinto shinres and Buddhist temples are illuminated.
Attention: Open hours, entrance fee, etc, are subject to be changed.
Kiyomizudera temple 清水寺
Kiyomizudera temple offers us night visit and illumination.
Before the renovation, Kiyomizudera temple looked like this.
Now the main hall is under construction and it is covered with cage. The famous stage is also under construction but we can be there.
During Higashiyama Hanatoro period, we could admire plum blossoms.

Kiyomizudera on Hanatoro
Open hours: 18:00~21:00
Entrance fee: 400 yen
Website: Kiyomizudera official
Yasaka pagoda 法観寺(八坂の塔)
Yasaka pagoda offers us illumination.
Open hours: 10:00~16:00
Entrance fee: 400 yen
Phone no. 075-551-2417
Website is not available.
Kodaiji temple 高台寺
Kodaiji offers us night time visit, illumination, and projection mapping.
Kodaiji always provides us with extraordinary projection mapping every single season.

Enjoy them!
In 2017, Yokai projection mapping was casted on the wall of coffee shop.
During the Hanatoro period, ROBOT KANNON teaches us HEART SUTRA.
For more info, see Kodaiji website (Japanese langauage only)合掌。
Kodaiji has small bamboo forest.

Kodaiji on Hanatoro
Open hours: 10:00〜21:30
Entrance fee: 600 yen

My recommendation: Special ticket for Kodaiji, Entokuin, and Syo musium: 900 yen
Phone no. 075-561-9966
Website: Kodaiji official
Entokuin 圓徳院
Entokuin offers us night time visit, illumination. We experience Zen activities there FOR FREE!

Entokuin on Hanatoro
Open hours: 10:00〜21:30
Entrance fee: 600 yen

Special ticket for Kodaiji, Entokuin, and Syo musium is also
Phone no. 075-525-0101
Website:Entokuin official (English)
Ohtani Sobyo 大谷祖廟
A passage to Ohtani Sobyo temple is illuninated.
Along the passage, there are artworks.
Daiunin temple 大雲院(祇園閣)
It is not open to public except special occasion. During hanatoro, it is illuminated.
Yasaka shrine 八坂神社
Yasaka shrine is open to us 24 hours a day with lamp posts.
We cannot find the portable shrines in the video during Hanatoro.

Yasaka shrine on Hanatoro
Open hours: 24 hours
Entrance fee: Free
Phone no. 075-561-6155
Yasaka shrine official (English)
Shorenin offers us night time visit and illumination. The illumination is excellent because it changes colors.
We can enjoy tea admiring illuminated small pond.
We can enjoy plum blossoms and bamboo, too.

Shorenin on Hanatoro
Open hours: 10:00〜21:30
Entrance fee: 800 yen
Phone no. 075-561-2345
Kitsune no Yomeiri 狐の嫁入り巡行
“Kitsune no Yomeiri” means supernatural phenomenon in which we see a string of fire. In ancient time, a family of bridegroom welcomed a bride with many lanterns. The phenomenon was so mysterious that ancient people thought a fox family welcomed a fox bride.
Higashiyama Hanatoro has “Fox bride parade” 2 times a day during the period.
This is a route of the parade. It starts at Chionin (the red paw) to Kodaiji temple (the blue paw).
19:00/20:00 at the red alien 知恩院三門前出発
In front of the Sanmon gate of Chonin temple, the parade departs.
19:20/20:20頃 At the blue alien 円山公園音楽堂付近
This is the most recommended place to see the parade. You can enjoy the parade in mysterious atmosphere.
19:30/20:00頃 The orange alien 春光院前
It is a small hill and you can see whole parade there.
19:40/20:40頃 At Kodaiji temple 高台寺到着
She prays at Kodaiji tenmangu shrine and goes to Kodaiji temple.
19:40/20:40~ At the blue kettle 湖月茶屋
At the blue kettle in the map, there is a tea house called Kogetysu chaya. Enjoy Japanese sweets there!
How to get to Higashiyama Hanatoro? 東山花灯路への行き方
Kyoto city bus 市バス
To Yasaka shrine, about 15 minutes walk from Shijo Kawaramachi bus stop. To avoid crowds, I don’t recommend to you Gion, Kiyomizumichi and other bus stop located near Hanatoro area.
Kyoto city subway 地下鉄
To Shorenin, about five minutes walk form Higashiyama station.
Hankyu railways 阪急
To Yasaka shrine, about 15 minutes walk from Kawaramachi station.
To Yasaka shrine, about 15 minutes walk from Gion Shijo station.