Sakura Matsuri and Ume Matsuri 2025
Sakura Matsuri 2025年桜まつり日程
- Dates: 3/25~
- Open hours: 9:00~17:00 (Entrance closes at 16:30)(2024)
- Entrance Fee: Up to 2 ,000 JPY (Depends on a day you visit). Cash only.
- Reservation of Bento Available. See the website of Haradanien (In Japanese only).
Shuttle bus シャトルバス日程
- Dates: 3/29 ~
- Announced the dates only so far.
- Available 9:00~16:00 (2024)
- Bus departs in front of Torii Gate of Wara Tenjin. (2024)
- Passengers are needed to wear face mask. (2024)
Overview on Haradanien garden 原谷苑概観
Haradanien is a private garden only open to public in spring and autumn. It is not a famous place to enjoy cherry blossoms like Heian Jingu shrine though t is the most popular destination among Kyoto-enthusiasts. The well-kept secret place.
Breaking 2024
Now Haradanien is in the best time to visit. Someiyoshino are still alive. Shidare Zakura and Omuro Zakura are in full bloom. I can’t believe this because Omura Zakura bloom after Someiyoshino.
Kizakura and Shakunage start blooming, peach, Ohbai, Rengyo and Mitsumata are in Migoro, Boke and some Shidare Zakura start falling.

Now the best time. VISIT HARADANIEN ASAP! Somei Yoshino and Omuro Zakura at the same time! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, right?
Cherry blossom/ Sakura supreme at Haradanien原谷苑の桜
Weeping cherry blossoms/Sidare Zakura 枝垂桜
There are nearly 450 Sakura trees and about 250 of them are weeping cherry blossom trees. As reported in a video of Haradanien I’ll show you later, we always find ourselves in the midst of Sakura in Haradanien. In Kyoto, it is Heian Jingu shrine that the most popular site to enjoy weeping cherry blossoms as described in The Makioka Sisters, a extraordinary work of Junichiro Tanizaki. We can enjoy magnificent weeping blossoms there in the garden. We can see them outside of it. On the contrary, we can enjoy them in side of a huge garden. In Haradanien garden, cherry blossms are alive because we stroll in the sea of Sakura. It is said Haradanien devotee advice us “See the Sakura in Haradanien before you say farewell to the world.”

Absolutely! I’ll be there every spring as long as I live!
Other cherry blossoms その他の桜
Omuro Zakura 御室桜
Omuro Zakura is named after Oumuro Ninnaji temple. Omurozakura has low tree due to clayey soil. It looks like shrub-Sakura. It has snow-white blossoms and known as a late-bloomer.
Oshima Zakura 大島桜
Oshima Zakura is one of the most popular Sakura in Japan. It is so fragrant.
Fugenzo 普賢象
The word “Fugenzo” means an elephant which Samantabhadra, a Bodhisattva, is on. Ancient people found its pistil as an elephant nose.
Yokihi 楊貴妃
Yokihi means Yang Guifei in Japanese. A long time ago, there is a monk named Genso (In Japan, Xuanzong is pronounced “Genso.”) adore a Sakura. Some say it began to be called ” Yang Guifei.”
Other flowers
Shakunage 石楠花
Shakunage is popular flower is spring. We find it anywhere in Japan.
Boke 木瓜
Boke is a tiny flower in red, white, or other pale colors. It tells coming of spring as Sakura does.
Momo 桃の花
Momo is plum. It is lovely flower.
Now we are well prepared for Haradanien. Enjoy the video, BAAH!
Sakura and Bento 花見弁当
In Ohanami, or a party held under Sakura, we usually food and drinks. At Haradanien, we have Sushi bento and Sekihan. Of course we can also taste Wagashi.

Sakura mochi!
A short history of Haradanien garden 原谷苑の歴史
Today, Haradanien garden is a famous Sakura spot but it used to be a dump site. The owner planted vegetables only to fail. He was at a loss and tried to plant Sakura trees and made a success of it. His descendants enjoyed them with their friends every spring. Some decades ago, they decided to open it to public only in spring and fall.
Tips to explore Haradanien
- The garden is located in the mountain near Ninnaji temple. At Haradanien, we stroll on a path on a hill. It would be better on sneakers there.
- It is open to us during April. I can tell you exact date because the garden office decides it depending on bloom of flowers.
- The entrance fee is decided in the same way. (I paid 2000 yen in the best time.)
- The best moment of Haradanien comes around mid-April.
- It takes a couple of hours to enjoy the garden fully.
- It is not easy to get there. See the next chapter.
How to get to Haradanien? 原谷苑へのアクセス
Shuttle bus シャトルバス

Following is the schedule of 2024. In 2025, Haradanien only says shuttle bus is available from 3/29.
This is the easiest way to get to Haradanien. In front of Wara Tenjin (It is located near Kinkakuji temple.) The time table of 2025 is not announced. Last year, it departs every 30 miuntes (I can’t remember exactly.) I’ll show you it when it is officially announced.
It takes about 15 minutes to reach Haradanien.
The bus on the run from March 30th.

It’s free!
The bus departs in front of Torii gate of Waratenjin shrine in the photo (The red alien in the map. Haradanien is indicated by the purple alien.).
There is Waratenjinmae bus stop near there (The blue bus in the map.). It is a bus stop for Kyoto city bus. NOT for HARADANIEN SHUTTLE BUS.

9:00~16:00 Every 20 minutes!
Attention: The shuttle bus will be out of service on 22th April.
How to get on the Shuttle bus?
- Take Kyoto city bus no. 50, 101, 102, 204, and 205.
- Get off the bus at Waratenjinmae bus stop.
- Head for north.
- You’ll find the Torii gate of Waratenjin shrine.
- People may wait in line there.
From Kyoto station
Take No.50 at B2 bus stop. Get off at Waratenjin mae bus stop. Walk in the same direction the bus goes. A couple of minutes later, you will see the Torii gate of Waratenjin.
Kyoto city bus 市バス
Only bus M1 goes to Haradanien. It departs at Kitaoji bus terminal or Ritsumeikan daigaku mae. The most important thing to know is that it departs only 1 time an hour and it is crowded with people head for Haradanien. It would be better to take shuttle bus.