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Migoro, the best time to enjoy Sakura and Autumn leaves 見頃につき英語で説明


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In this post, I’ll tell you the meaning of Migoro, the best time to admire/enjoy smth, of Ume/plum blossoms, Sakura/cherry blossoms, Aomomijis, and autumn leaves. 合掌


What is Migoro/ 見頃とは何か?


Migoro/ 見頃 is the best period of time to enjoy something, especially flowers and plants including autumn leaves.

Migoro is short. It usually lasts about one week and the very best time lasts only a couple of days.

In Kyoto, we can hear the word all through the year because we love to see them to see we are alive in every particular season, or “moment” could be our way.

3 types of Migoro

We have 3 bloomers in one kind of flowers, especially Sakura: Hayazaki (早咲き early bloomers), Nakazaki (中咲き average bloomers), and Osozaki (遅咲き late bloomers).

For example, there are 3 Sakuras: Sakuras of Hayazaki, Sakuras (of Nakazaki), and Sakuras Osazaki. Usually, we don’t refer to Nakazaki because it’s obvious.

Due to this, with these three kinds of bloomer at a one place, there could be a Migoro over one week.


Sakura has many kinds. Somei Yoshino (so-called Sakura), Shidare Zakura, and so on. And we can enjoy both of them at a park, the Migoro of the park lasts over 1 week.


She said, “the Migoro of the park.” In Japanese, we have Migoro of flower and that of place. This distinction is not a strict one, especially in colloquial way. We say like this; “Kiyomizudera is (in) Migoro,” or “The sakuras of Kiyomizudera are (in) Migoro.” In spring, these sentences have almost the same meaning.


For Aomomijis and Autumn leaves, we don’t say Hayazaki, Nakazaki, and Osozaki because “Saki” is a word suitable for flowers, not leaves. We say ” autumn leaves get into Migoro early, usually, and lately.” instead.


Migoro of Ume (Plum blossom) 梅

  • Bloom: January
  • Migoro: Mid-March
  • Popular palace to see: Kitano Tenmangu shrine

There are many kinds of Umes and they are in bloom in different times but most of them are in bloom around mid-March.

At Kitano Tenmangu shrine, We can enjoy Umes in night illumination.


The Sakuras in Kyoto

  • Late Jan.~: Kawazu Zakura blooms. Migoro, the best time to admire, is early Mar.
  • Fist week of Mar. ~: In Konoetei-ato in Kyoto Imperial Palace, In Ryozan Kannnon, Yamazakura, Shidare Zakura and other kinds of Sakura bloom. Migoro is around 20th Mar.
  • Mid Mar.~:Somei Yoshino, so-called Sakura and other kinds of Sakura bloom. Migoro is late Mar. to early Apr.
  • 1st week of Apr. ~Omuro Zakura in Ninnaji blooms. Migoro is around 10th. Migoro of Haradanien is couples of days later than Migoro of Ninnaji.
  • Around 7th~ Kitano Zakura blooms. Migoro is mid-Apr.

In spring, we can enjoy many kinds of Sakura in Kyoto.


Kawazu Zakura 河津桜

  • Bloom: Early-February
  • Migoro: Early-March
  • Popular palace to see: Toji temple, Ichijo Modri Bashi bridge, and Unryu-in temple, and philosophors’ path.

Kawaza Zakura is the earliest bloom Sakura in Kyoto. It starts early February and is in Migoro in earky March. Popular places: Toji temple, Ichijo Modori Bashi bridge, and Unryuin temple.

If the ones in Toji blooms late, we can enjoy them in the night illumination.

Breaking report on Kawazu Zakura, the earliest bloom Sakura in Kyoto 3/2/2025: Tiny Buds 河津桜開花状況英語で説明
The report of 2025 on Kawazu Zakura, the earliest bloom Sakura in Kyoto. We can find some of them in Ichijo Modori bashi bridge, Toji, Unryuin, and Philosopher's path.They go into full bloom around mid-March.
Top 3 Kawazu Zakura spot in Kyoto 2020
Kawazu Zakura is the earliest-blooming Sakura in Kyoto.This article shows you the places to admire it; Toji temple, Unryuin temple, and Ichijo Modoribashi and Sanjo Ohashi bridge. The best time is mid-March usually.


We could find Kawazu Zakura in snow!


Sidare Zakura (Weepin Sakura) 枝垂れ桜

  • Bloom: Early-March
  • Migoro: Mid-April
  • Popular palace to see: Haradanien garden

Shidare Zakura is one of the most popular Sakura in Japan. Sometimes it is called “Weeping Sarkura.” Migoro of Shidare Zakura seems long because there are lots of kind of Sakura. They blooms consecutively and seems to us they bloom so long.

We have 2 ways to enjoy Shidare Zakura: Individual one or assorted ones.

In Kodaiji temple, there is a large one in the Karasansui garen. And in Haradanien garden. there are lots of Shisare Zakuras.


My favorite is the one in Toji temple.

The most popular place to see them is Haradanien, the Sakura Pradise.

Haradanien garden 2025 : Cherry blossom supreme in Kyoto 原谷苑の桜英語で説明
Haradanien is a private garden only open to public in spring and autumn. It is little-known place but is the most popular destination among Kyoto-enthusiasts. Sakura matsuri 2023: 25/3/2022~23/4/2023

DO NOT MISS Haradanien. It used to be a dump site. I can’t believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can enjoy Shirare Zakura with Somei Yoshino in many places.