The gist of this artilce
- This page Overview, Forecast 2020, and the way to enjoy Omuro Zakura
- Page 2 The records of 2017 to 2019
- Page 3 About Ninnaji, the itinerary, and access
The following is the contents of this article.
- Generally speaking, Omuro Zakura is the last-blooming Sakura in Kyoto.
- Actually, Kitano Zakura tells the end of Sakura season about 2 weeks later.
- Omuro Zakura is in full-bloom in mid-April usualy but it might bloom about 2 weeks earlier.
- If you miss the best time to see it, you might enjoy Omuro Zakura in Haradanien garden.

This article is for your reference. We cannot foresee the best time to admire Omuro Zakura exactly. We are not responsible any disadvantage you have.
Breaking 2024
The garden is in the best time to visit: The northern part is in full bloom and the some in the southern part start falling.
The Omuro Zakura garden is in Migoro. The southern part is in 80% bloom and the northern part is in 60%. I guess this weekend is the best time to admire them.
Omuro Zakura has just started blooming. Now Somei Yoshino are in Migoro and Omuro Zakura would be in Migoro in next weekend.
Attention: We cannot enjoy Kitano Zakura any more. Omuro Zakura is the last Sakura bloom in Kyoto.

I guess Haradanien garden would be in Migoro next week.
Schedule of Omuro Hana Matsuri 2024
During Omuro Hana Matsuri, Ninnjaji temple is divided into 3 areas. Omuro Zakura is found in area C.
Breaking 2023
Kyot shimbun says Omurozakuras are in full bloom. Check the post (in Japanese only )

Seeing the video in the post, I suppose these photos (taken on 4/9/2022) indicates what Omuro Zakuras are today.

I’m not sure when they were in full bloom last year. I visited Ninnjaji on 4/17 to find most of them gone.

Don’t worry. I’m sure Omuro Zakuras in Haradanien would be still in full bloom on this weekend.
At Ninnaji, some Omuro Zakuras started to bloom.
On the other hand, Omuro Zakuras in Haradanien are on the verge of blooming.

Ninnaji was so crowded though Omuro Zakuras were not in Migoro.
Forecast 2020
April 11
Omuro Zakura start to fall off. Ariake near Chokushimon is in the same state. There are many visitors and I didn’t enter the area where Omuro Zakura are. In the area, we wall narrow paths and I thought I could’t keep social distance. At Kitano Tenmangu shrine, I saw Kitanozakura, the last blooming Sakura in Kyoto, started to bloom.
April 5
The board says Omuro zakura start to bloom. Ariake near Chokushimon is about 50% bloom. Omuro zakura are also in the same bloom.
March 29, 2020
Ninnaji temple tells us the blooming of Maple leaves, Omurozakura and Tsutsuji with the board. We can find this board at Sanmon gate (the gate faces the road.) The center is Omurozakura (御室桜) . This board says small buds of Omurozakura is found.
Through the Sanmon gate, we can locate Chokushimon to the left. Near the gate, there is a tree of Ariake (Sakura). Omurozakura is kind of Ariake and both of them bloom in the same way. So, we can take advantage of the Ariake as an indicator.
In March
This year, Kawazu Zakura and other spring flowers bloom 2 weeks earlier than usual year. On March 8, I found Yamazakura and Shidare Zakura in Kyoto Imperial Palace bloomed. Omuro Zakura will be in full bloom in early April in 2020 though it does in mid April usually.
What is Omuro Zakura?
This is tOmuro Zakura. It is a kind of Sakura called Ariake.
This is Ariake. It is a mother of Omuro Zakura.
Trees of Omuro Zakura are short and look like shrubs.
On the other hand, trees of Someiyoshino, so-called Sakura is taller than Omuro Zakura trees. Most of Sakura trees are as tall as that of Someiyoshino.
It is not obvious why the trees are shorter than other Sakura. Some hypothesis says that the trees are not able to have long roots due to the clay-like ground, and other one claims that the ground is not fertile. I suppose the latter has a point. We also find Omuro Zakura in Haradanien garden which used to be a dump site. (Now the Sakura paradise, though.)
Omuro Zakura has enjoyed its reputation for centuries. Keijo Shoran, the famous Kyoto guide book in the 18th century reveals that Ninaji has lots of Yaezakura and they are the best Sakura in Kyoto.
Yaezakura is a kind of Sakura which has double flowered/petaled flower. Omuro Zakura belongs to Yaezakura. These days, we have sigle flowered/petaled Omuro Zakura.
It has two colors of flowers; White and pink.
The sprig of 2019 expected New Imperial era Reiwa and Ninnaji had a special stage to admire Omuro Zakura. The is a poem written on the wall. The era was named after it. Check the link below.

Where can we enjoy Omuro Zakura?
At the red alien in the map, there are ticket booths. The entrance fee is 500 jpy for adult.
Near the ticket booths, there is a sign board to tell us how Omuro Zakura blooms. 見頃 means the best time to see it.