Senbon Torii is a name of two tunnels of Toriis located near Okusya Houhaijo (奥社奉拝所) in Fushimi Inari Taisha. In this post, I’ll show you why it was founded. 合掌

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What is Torii?
Torii is a landmark found at the entrance of a Shinto Shrine. It usually works as a gate to a sacred word, i.e., the land of the shrine where deities are in, and the secular world we live in.
Torii is usually painted in Shu-iro (vermilion). The color represents the fertility of the earth, the vitality of nature, of course ours, and so on. And it prevents us from evil things we encounter.
This type of Torii is found at the entrance of Fushimi Inari.
Why so many Toriis in Fushimi Inari?
Senbon torii isn’t located at the entrance. These Toriis were donated by merchants and companies. Fushimi Inari enshrines Uka no Mittama no Ohkami (宇迦之御魂大神). She is a deity of rice cultivating and gives us fertility and people believe she also gave them a fertility in business and built Toriis as their Hono (奉納).
Hono is a deed give something to Shito shrine or Buddhist temple asking deities to let their wish, hope, and dream come true.
This custom started in 16, or 17th century and is still alive today. At least 19th century, Senbon Torii looked like the one we know today. We can find it in Karaku Meisyou Zue (花洛名勝図絵), the guidebook of Kyoto published in 1864. Even today, we can build Toriis as Hono. Price depends on the size of Tori you choose.
Fushimi Inari has the main hall but the mountain located behind it is also a sacred place of Uka no Mittama no Ohkami. We can find many Toriis there.

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About Fushimi Inari Taisha
Access to Fushmi Inari Taisha
JR Line
Get off train at Inari station. Local line only.
Keihan Line
Get off train at Fushimi Inari station. Express, Local and Sub-express line only.