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Kinkakuji: autumn leaves in Kyoto 2018


Autumn leaves at Kinkakuji temple 2018


 We have three spots to enjoy autumn leaves in Kinkakuji temple; With Shariden (the golden pavilion), “Turning around Kinkaku,” and the approach to Shariden.

With Shariden 舎利殿


 Kinkakuji, always referred “the golden pavilion,” is also called Shariden. Shariden means a place stores the ashes of Buddha. We expect beautiful maple trees with Shariden but there are a few trees in front of it.




Deliberately designed in that way. 

 Take a look at the map. The aliens are spots to see autumn leaves. We walk from the entrance gate (the red octopus) to the entrance (the blue octopus). The red line is the approach to Shariden.

 After the entrance, we go to the red alien to see Shariden is the purple alien.


 The A indicates the red alien in the map. We see Shariden there. The place is always crowded with many people. Just wait there, and we can be in front of the fence and have a good view of Shariden.

金閣寺の紅葉2018金閣寺の紅葉 2016

 Enjoy the couples of maple trees with Shariden like these photos.


Manage them!


 As you see, we can see scarce maple trees in the front view.

Behind Shariden

金閣寺の紅葉金閣寺の紅葉  この位置から撮影しています。人が沢山いますが、待っていればすぐ最前列で撮影できます。

 On the other hand, there are many maple trees behind Shariden. We can admire them with it.

Turning around Kinkaku 見返り金閣


 Up above a small hill, the blue alien in the map, we “turn around” to see Kinkaku. This is the art to see Shariden. In fall, it seems to be in the cloud of maple leaves.


The best place to see Shariden with autumn leaves!

The approach to Shariden


 This is the “must to see” in Kinkakuji temple. Along the pathway from the entrance gate to Sharinden, there are lots of maple trees in extraordinary colors.  See the video in the next chapter.

Kinkakukji temple virtual tour in autumn

We stroll around in the area of Kinkakuji temple.


What is the best time to visit Kinkakuji to see autumn leaves?

 As same as the popular spots in Kyoto, the best time to visit is around mid-November but we have some exception; the autumn leaves in Ryoanji, Korinin, toji, Tofukuji, Komyoin, and other places might be in full bloom later than Kinkakuji.




The maple trees in the Zen garden of Ryoanji go into full bloom

later than those of Kinkakuji!


Illumination in Kinkakuji temple

Sorry, Kinkakuji temple is not illuminates in any seasons. If you wanted to enjoy the illumination of autumn leaves, check the link below!


Sorry, the English edition is coming soon!


It’s tough, being a visitor of Kinakuji temple in autumn 金閣寺はつらいよ

Fron the entrance gate to the entrance

 Kinkakuji is one of the most popular destinations in Kyoto. It always is crowded. In fall, many people rushed to see autumn leaves there.

kinkakuji ticket

 The red line indicates the pathway to the entrance. Around the blue octopus, we buy ticket (the photo above). We show it to monks at the blue octopus and have brochure there. This procession takes lots of times and in autumn, along the red line, we wait in line to buy ticket sometimes. We might wait 1 hour or later. I once waited there about 50 minutes to get in.

After the entrance, Kinkakuji gives us tough and rough time

 In Kinkakuji temple, there is one-way path to go. It might take about 4~50 minutes to get to the exit (the yellow octopus).

The itinerary of the day goes…..

 As you see, to visit Kinkakuji temple in fall might take lots of times. You might give up the place you want to go because you struggled to get out of it.

To avoid disaster like that

 The only way to avoid these inconvenience, all we can do is TO BE THE FIRST VISITOR OF KINKAKUJI OF A DAY! Kinkakuji temple opens at 9:00 a.m. It takes about 4~50 minutes to to get out.

いちきしま ひめ
いちきしま ひめ

Be there before 9:00 a.m.~


The recommended place near Kinkakuji temple


  Usually, tourists head for Ninnaji, Ryoanji, and Arashiyama but I recommend a special place to you: Genkoan temple. It is a well-known place among Kyoto enthusiasts in Japan. We admire the autumn leaves there through the windows. It is calm, cozy place. Take a taxi to get there.


What is Kinkakuji temple?

 Kinkakuji is a sub-temple of Shokokuji temple. It is famous as “the golden pavilion.” Its origin is a villa named Kitayamaden belonged to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third Shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate. The golden pavilion is officially called Shariden. It is a cultural complex of War loads and court nobles. For more information, check the link below.

Kinkakuji, the Golden Temple/Pavilion
 Kinkakuji temple a.k.a. as the golden pavilion in Kyoto is one of the best place to see in Kyoto. Let us learn about what to see like the golden, dry garden, and its history.

About Kinkakuji temple

Name: Hokuzan Rokuonji

Adress  Kinkakuji cho1, Kita ward, Kyoto city 〒603-8361

Phone No. 075-461-0013

Website Kinkakuji official (Japanese language only)

Usual Opeining hours 9:00~17:00

Entrance fee: Adult 400 yen

Time required 1hour~


How to get to Kinkakuji temple?

Kyoto City bus

No. 12、59、101、204、205 Kinkakuji michi bus stop

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