- 1ページ目 Introduction, Kamogawa Area, Kitano Kamiyagawa Area
- 2ページ目 Nijojo Area, Muekoji Area
- 3ページ目 Uji Area
Nijojo Natsu Matsuri 二条城夏祭り2023との連携
In 2024, we can enjoy the night illumination of Nijojo during the Kyo no Tanabata dates.
The red octopus is the entrance in front of Higashi Ohtemon gate.
When? 乱入のタイミング
At twilight, the sky is extraordinary.

Around 7 p.m. is recommended.
Karamaon 唐門ライトアップ
Karamon gate is illuminated.

The LED lantern is available.
Ninomaru Teien 二の丸庭園ライトアップ
Ninomaru Teien garden is also illuminated. It is one of the greatest garden the Tokugawa Shogunate made.
Fireworks 内堀花火大会
At the purple alien in the map, we can enjoy an artificial fireworks.

Fireworks, or Hanabi in Japanese, remindes us of lots of things. Beautiful memories like Childhood ones…
Aomomiji illumination 青もみじライトアップ
At the black alien in the map, the Momiji trees are illuminated. One of few Aomojiji (Momiji in fresh green) .
Virtual Matsuri
At the orange alien in the map, we can enjoy traditinal En Nichi virtually with your smart phone.
Omikuji 花みくじ
These paper flowers are Omikujis. They tell us our fortune.
Tanabata Bamboos are also available.
Umekoji Area梅小路エリア
Sasa Kazari 笹に願いごとを(笹飾り)
Write your wishes on a piece of paper called Tanzaku. And Hang it on the leave of the Bamboos.
- Dates・・・8/3, 8/4
9 places in and near Umekoji park.
Kyoto aquarium night visit 京都水族館夜間闖入
Exhibition of Kurage (jerryfish) Furins and ambarellas
- 期間・・・5/30~9/30
- 時間・・・17:00~20:00
Sasakazari is available on 8/3 and 8/4