For International Readers Gion matsuri 2024: Mikoshi, portable shrine, guide 祇園祭の神輿英語で説明 Gion matsuri is famous for Yamaboko floats but the most important thing is Mikoshi, or porptable shrine. In this article, I'll show you the history, importance of it. 2019.07.10 For International ReadersGion Matsuri Festival
For International Readers Gion Matsuri festival 2023: Yumiya cho Samurai armor exhibition 弓矢町武具飾英語で解説 Yumiyacho Bugukazari, the exhibition of Samurai Armors takes place for 3 days in Yumiya-cho district. In ancient times, the residents wore them and lead Mikohi (portable shrine) of Gion Matsuri. They don't attend the Matsuri but we can enjoy the armors today. 2020.05.14 For International ReadersGion Matsuri Festival
For International Readers Gion Matsuri 2023: Chinowa Kuguri at Ekijinja Nagoshi Sai 疫神社夏越祭英語で説明 Gion Matsuri is completed with Ekijinja Nagoshi Sai on 7/31. We visit the shrine to give prayer, to do Chinowa Kuguri and to make Chinowa amulet. 2023.07.30 For International ReadersGion Matsuri Festival
For International Readers Yamhoko parade 2021 canceled in Gion Matsuri Yamahoko Parade of Gion Matsuri 2020 was cancelde due to COVID-19. In this article, you can learn a history of the parade and Yamahoko with descriptions of all the Yamahoko in the parade. 2020.04.27 For International ReadersGion Matsuri Festival
For International Readers THE AFRO DUCKIES in Konkai Komyoji: MISSING 金戒光明寺のアフロアヒル英語で説明 The Afro duckies are messengers of AFRO BUDDHA in Konkai Komyoji temple. They make 3-D Raigozu to save those who in despair. 金戒光明寺のアヒルさんにつき、英語で説明申し上げます。合掌 2022.03.11 For International Readersおすすめ記事
For International Readers Gozan Okuribi and Obon 2024 in Kyoto 五山送り火英語で説明 In Obon, we wave our good-bye to the deceased ancestors with Gozan Okuribi. In this article, I'll show you what is Gozan Okuribi, Obon, and their history. 2020.08.25 For International Readers
For International Readers The renovation of Kinkakuji temple 2020 金閣寺の工事英語で説明 The renovation of Kinkakuji temple, or the golden pavilion started in September 2020. The roofs of it will be replaced. In this article, I'll show you the Kokerabuki roof method and how the replacement takes place. The iconic view will be back in December. 2020.09.07 For International Readersおすすめ記事
For International Readers Zen garden or Karesansui? 枯山水庭園英語で説明 "Zen garden" sounds strange for us. It is a Karesansui (garden). In this post, we learn what Karesansui is overviewing a short history of it. 2023.06.12 For International ReadersZen temples
For International Readers Ryoanji: Zen rock garden facts Introduction This article is the most precise information on the rock garden and Ryoanji temple. The garden is the most ... 2017.06.18 For International ReadersZen temples