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For International Readers

Fushimi Inari Taisha fact 1: Thousands of Torii, Fox, and history 伏見稲荷英語で説明

In this post, you can learn about Fushimi Inari Taisha ; Its history, Senbon Torii gates,   foxes, and Oyama meguri-tour.
For International Readers

Fushimi Inari facts 2: Why foxes? 伏見稲荷のキツネさん英語で説明

Foxes in Fushimi Inari Taisha are messengers of the deity enshrined there. In this post, I'll show you why they are there. 合掌
For International Readers

Fushimi Inari facts 4: The history over 1300 years 伏見稲荷の歴史英語で説明

Fushimi Inari Taisha has a history of over 1300 years. In this post, I'll show you it in chronical order. 合掌
For International Readers

Fushimi Inari Taisha hike, a.k.a. Oyama Meguri 伏見稲荷お山めぐり英語で説明

In Fushimi Inari hike, known as "Oyama Meguri" in Japanese, we visit the sacred mountain to find what Japanese people believed through thousands of years.
For International Readers

Night illumination in Kyoto ALL YEAR LONG!!! 京都のライトアップ年間情報英語で説明

In Kyoto, we can enjoy night illuminations all year long. Sakura, Aomomiji, Matsuri, and Autumn leaves in four seasons. In this post, I'll show you all of them for a starting point. 合掌
For International Readers

Kyoto Transport Guide with Route map: Getting around with city bus subways and trains.

In this post, I'll show you the ways to take Kyoto transport: Kyoto city bus and the routes to avoid crowded buses subways and trains.

What is Mizukagami, a.k.a., reflection 水鏡につき英語で説明

Mizukagami is a reflection on water, especially pond. In this post, I'll show you what it is and the idea hiding behind it. 合掌
For International Readers

Migoro, the best time to enjoy Sakura and Autumn leaves 見頃につき英語で説明

In this post, I'll tell you the meaning of Migoro, the best time to enjoy/admire smth, of Ume/plum blossoms, Sakura/cherry blossoms, Aomomijis, and autumn leaves. 合掌
For International Readers

Kurama no Himatsuri/ Himatsuri in Kurama 2024 : History, schedule, must-sees 鞍馬の火祭英語で説明

In this post, I'll show you the ways to enjoy Kurama no Himatsuri 2024/ Himatsuri in Kurama, Short history, schedule, must-sees and so on. 合掌