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For International Readers

Awata Matsuri2024: Schedule and must-sees 粟田祭英語で説明

Awata Matsuri is one of the most underrated Matsuri in Kyoto though Kenbokos have something to do with Yamaboko floats of Gion Matsuri. In this post, I'll show you the schedule of 2023 and must-sees. 合掌
For International Readers

What’s goin on in Kyoto? In January, 2021 With COVID-19

In this post, I'll show you what is going on here in Kyoto. The original one, written in Japanese, is posted in last March. Since then, I have revised it for nearly a year. It is a long article and I can't translate it right now. So, I will do that in anti-chronicle order gradually.
For International Readers

Autumn leaves in Kyoto 2021 : In the middle of COVID-19

In 2021, we still found ourselves in the middle of COVID-19 and Kyoto is having "Autumn leaves season" with it.In this article, I'll show top 10 places to enjoy the season avoiding so-called "Three C's." Closed, Crowded places with many people nearby, and Close-contact settings.
For International Readers

Yasaka shrine is to be designated as a National Treasure

Yasaka shrine is to be designated as a National Treasure because of the Gion Zukuri method which tells us the relationship between the hall and the religious phenomena in medieval Japan
For International Readers

The Great Buddha in Nara: Daibutsu in Todaiji temple

Nara has a huge statue of Buddha, a.k.a., Daibutsu, Birushanabutsu and the Great Buddha. In this article, you can learn anything about it; Its features, when and why it was built and the way to construct it.
For International Readers

Afro Buddha in Kyoto アフロ大仏英語で説明

The real name of "Afro Buddha" is "Goko Shii Amidabutsu.(五劫思惟阿弥陀仏)" It means that a Buddha meditates forever. In this artile, you can learn the reason of its hair style and its features, souvenirs and so on.
For International Readers

Goshichinichi Mishiho 2025 at Toji temple: The ritual held in ancient Imperial court 後七日御修法英語で説明

Mishiho is a supreme ritual held in Toji temple in Kyoto. From 8th to 14th January, high-ranked monks visit Kanjoin temple three times a day to pray for the prosperity of our country, world peace, and good harvest of the year. Not sure whether Goshichinichi Mishio is canceled or not, due to COVID-19.
For International Readers

Toshiya, the traditional Japanese archery at Sanjusangendo 2025: 三十三間堂の通し矢を英語で解説

The archery competition of Sanjusangendo is called "Toshiya." Enjoy the archers in beautiful Kimono and its 600 years of history!
For International Readers

Kiyomizudera statues 1: Kannnon with 1000 hands

The Gohonzon, the Buddhist statue of Kiyomizu-dera temple, is "Juichimen Senju Kannon," who saves us with 11 faces and 1,000 eyes and hands.