- Page 1 Introduction, Yasaka shrine, Plum blossom, and Sakura 1
- Page 2 Sakura2
- Page 3 Sakura 3
- Page 4 Sakura 4
- Page 5 Aomomiji and Summer
- Page 6 Autumn leaves 1
- Page 7 Autumn leaves 2
The following is the contents of this article.
In Kyoto, we can enjoy night illuminations all year long. Sakura, Aomomiji, Matsuri, and Autumn leaves in four seasons. In this post, I’ll show you all of them for a starting point. 合掌
Yasaka shrine 365 days
Yaska shrine is illuminated 365 days. The Komagata Chochin lanterns of Buden and lights are always lit except Omitama Utsushi in Gion Matsuri.

Omitama Utsushi take place 2 times; On 15/8 and 24/8. Nearly half an hour each.

Usually, there are no Mikoshis in Buden.
How to get to Yasaka shrine?
Kyoto city bus: Gion bus stop. No. 100, 203, 206, and other lines are available.
Keihan railways: Gion Shijo station.
Hankyu railways: Kawaramachi station.
It would be better to take trains to keep social distancing,
About Yasaka shrine
Plum blossom 梅
Plum blossoms tells us winter is nearly ending. In ancient times, people admired plum blossoms as the flower of spring. In Manyoshu, the oldest compilation of Waka, has many poems about it.

Our new Imperial period was named after a poem describes plum blossoms in Manyoshu.

Kitano Tenmangu shrine
Kitano Tenmangu shrine illuminates its Baien garden (Plum garden) in early spring. There are no places to enjoy plum blossoms illuminated except the shrine though there are many places to enjoy Plum blossoms in Kyoto.
In addition to it, the garden is illuminated with candles.

Candle night illuminations are available only in Kitano Tenmangu and on my head!

You could enjoy Wadaiko performance. (It didn’t take place last 3 years).
How to get to Kitano Tenmangu shrine?
Kyoto city bus: Kitano Tenmangu mae bus stop.
Randen: Kitano Hakubaicho station
About Kitano Tenmangu shrine
Cherry blossom 桜
Cherry blossoms is a flower of spring. We have many kinds of Sakura to enjoy in Kyoto. Shrines and temples hold night illumination events.
Toji temple

Best Sakura illumination, EVAAAH!!!
Toji temple is one of the oldest temple in Kyoto. It remains the same place when Heiankyo city was built. In Kondo building, statues of Buddhist Deities make so-called 3-D mandala. The Illumination of Toji in spring is the best one in Kyoto.
The most famous 120 years old weeping cherry blossom in Toji. It welcomes us at the entrance of the garden.
Mizukagami is an art to admire something. We see reflection on surface of water. Toji provides us with extraordinary Mizukagami.
How to get to Toji temple?
Kyoto city bus: Toji Higashimon mae or Toji michi bus stop
JR West: Kyoto station
Kintesu rail ways: Toji station
About Toji temple
Kiyomizudera temple 清水寺
Kiyomizudera temple is one of the most popular places and also known as one of the best Sakura places.
We can visit the main hall, the pagoda, Okunoin as we do in during the daytime.
Visiting at the twilight time is strongly recommended.
How to get to Kiyomizudera temple?
Train: Keihan Gion shijo/Gojozaka station or Hankyu Kawaramachi station.
Kyoto city bus: Sijo Kawaramachi/Gion bus stop. Gojyozaka and Kiyomizu michi bus stop is not available because they are so crowded.