- Page 1 Introduction, Yasaka shrine, Plum blossom, and Sakura 1
- Page 2 Sakura2
- Page 3 Sakura 3
- Page 4 Sakura 4
- Page 5 Aomomiji and Summer
- Page 6 Autumn leaves 1
- Page 7 Autumn leaves 2
The following is the contents of this article.
Hogoin temple 宝厳院
Hogonin temple is a sub-temple of Tenryuji temple. In Meiji period, a company bought it and Tenryuji temple bought it recently. It is well preserved and has a beautiful garden. It is not open to public usually.
The maple trees in garden bloom in many colors. Especially, red is my favorite. It is so warm like the leaves of Tenjuan temple.
How to get to Hogonin temple?
From JR Saga Arashiyama station and Hankyu Arashiyama station: About 10 minutes.
From Randen Arashiyama station: About 5 minutes.
Korinin temple 興臨院
Korinin is a sub-temple of Daitokuji temple. It is not open to public usually. Fortunately, it is open to us in fall.It is cozy, quiet, and the most underrated place to admire autumn leaves in Kyoto. I cannot tell you whether night illumination is held or not because the temple doesn’t officially made announcement yet.

Korin in has a Zen garden. We seldom see Zen garden illuminated. Zen garden is filled with white pebbles to reflect the sun light to make rooms facing it brightened. At Korinin, the Zen garden is dimly illuminated and brighten as though it was covered with snow.
In the back yard is also magnificent. There are trees in yellow, vermilion, and purple. They seem as if they grew into bloom in front of us.
About Korin-in
How to get to Korinin temple?
From Daitokuji mae bus stop, 5 minutes walk.
Seiryu-den and Shogun-zuka hill 将軍塚青龍殿
Seiryu-den and Shogun-zuka hill are located at the top of a mountain. It is cold place and provides us with extraordinary clear colors.
Near Shogun-zuka hill, there is a stage and we can have a good view of Kyoto city illuminated. Enjoy the setting sun there.
There is a small Zen garden. It is illuminated as dimly as that of Korin-in temple.
How to get to Shoguzuka Seiryuden?
It would be better to go there taxi. Kyoto Bus is available but inconvenient.
About Shoguzuka Seiryuden
Rurikoin temple 瑠璃光院
Rurikoin temple is famous for reflection of autimn leaves on the table. It is not open to public usually.
The night illumination is so tender. It is not “night illumination” because Rurikoin temple is closed at night. It opens by 17:00 and it gets dark at that time.
About Rurikoin temple
How to get to Rurikoin temple?
About 10 minutes walk from Eiden Yase Hieizan guchi station.
Syorenin temple 青蓮院
Syorenin is also a Monzeki temple. It is so calm place to visit though it is located Higashiyama, a popular place for tourists.
Syorenin is illuminated in blue because it enshrines “Blue Acala.”
How to get to Syorenin temple?
5 minutes walk from Subway Higashiyama station.
1 minute walk from Syorenin mae bus stop (It is not available at night.)
Kodaiji temple 高台寺
At Kodaiji temple, we can enjoy Mizukagami.
Kodaiji has projection mapping, too.
About Kodaiji temple
How to get to Kodaiji temple?
The nearest bus stop is Higashiyama Yasui bus stop but we don’t get off at the bus stop in this season. We use the following railway stations and bus stop.
From Keihan Shijo Kawaramachi and Hankyu Kawaramachi station, and Shijo Kawaramachi station: About 15 minutes walk.
Entokuin temple 圓徳院
Entokuin temple is located near Kodaiji temple. Kodaiji is always crowded with many visitors but Entokuin is not. It is the most underrated place in Higashiyama district.
At Entokuin, you can experience many Zen activities for free. See the official website.
How to get to Entokuin temple?
The nearest bus stop is Higashiyama Yasui bus stop but we don’t get off at the bus stop in this season. We use the following railway stations and bus stop.
From Keihan Shijo Kawaramachi and Hankyu Kawaramachi station, and Shijo Kawaramachi station: About 15 minutes walk.
Daikakuji temple 大覚寺
We cannot enter the buildings. Maple trees around the Ohsawaike pond and a pagoda are illuminated.
About Daikakuji
How to get to Daikakuji temple?
From 1 minutes walk from Daikakuji mae bus stop.
Mansyuin temple 曼殊院
Mansyuin is also a Monzeki temple. It is located far out place from the center of Kyoto. It had night illumination. This year, not yet announced whether illumination is held or not.
How to get to Mansyuin temple?
It would be better to take taxi.
Chionin temple 知恩院
Chionin has Mizukagami, too. At night, we can enter the Sanmon gate. There are many statues of Buddhist Deities inside.
About Chion-in temple
How to get to Chionin temple?
10 minutes walk from Subway Higashiyama station.
1 minute walk from Chionin Sanmon mae bus stop (It is not available at night.)
Syorinji temple 勝林寺
Syorinji temple is a sub-temple of Tofukuji temple and known only for Kyoto-enthusiasts.
It has stunning autumn leaves illumination.
About Syorinji temple
How to get to Syorinji temple?
15 mintues walk from JR/Keihan Tofukuji temple.
Byodoin temple 平等院鳳凰堂
Byodoin has magnificent Mizukagami as you see in the photo above.

About Byodo-in temple
How to get to Byodoin temple?
From JR Uji station: 10 mintues walk.
From Keihan Uji station 5 minutes walk.