- Page 1 What is Yoiyama, Kaisyo opendays
- Page 2 Best time to visit
- Page 3 Trafic regulations for pedestrian
- Page 4 Breaking report
The following is the contents of this article.
When would we go the Yoiyama?
In daytime or night
If you wanted Chimaki, Goshuin stamp, and other things at Kaisyo, it would be better go there in daytime though Yoi of Yoiyama means “night.” At night, many people visited Kaisyo and it might take time to have these things.

We have hot days in daytime usually. Prepare for them!

In daytime, buy the things you want and enjoy Yamahoko floats, paper lanterns and Kaisyo Kazari.
At twilight
We have two matsrui in Gion matsuri; Saki matsruri and Ato matsuri. In Ato matsuri, the twilight reminds of us autumn though we are in the midst of summer.
On Yamaboko 鉾にのせてもらう
We can be on Yamaboko floats. In Atomatsuri, Ohfuneboko, Kita Kannon yama and Minami Kannon yama.
Souvenirs 授与品
In every Kasyo, we can buy Chimaki, Tenugui towels and so on.
Gosyuin stamps 御朱印
In Yoiyama, every Yamaboko offers us Gosyuin at Kaisho.
They are stamps but we have calligraphy Gosyuin at Ohfunaboko.
At Kaisyo and book stores, we can have Gosyuin-cho (Gosyuin book) specialized on Gion matsuri.
At the top of a page, the name of Yamboko is indicated.


Put the right stamp on the right page. In the photo, Goshuin of Kankoboko is on a page of Kikusuiboko.

Press a stamp tightly.
At midnight 人がいなくなった後の山鉾
Around 22:00~23:00, most people go back to home and Hokomachi was deserted and paper lanterns are turned off. It’s one of the beautiful moments in Yoiyama.

Don’t miss it!
Bargain sale お買い物
At Yoiyama, we can buy beautiful Japanese cloth, Kimono, and other things related our culture at LOW PRICE.
For example, I Bought these Hariko paper figurines only for 300 yen.
Hiyori Kagura 日和神楽
Around midnight of 7/16, Ohayashi musicians of floats pay a visit to Otabisho to pray the success of Yamahoko parade.
The musicians of Naginata Hoko visit Yaska shrine instead.
Access to Yoiyama
In Kyoto, we usually take bus to go to our destination but it would be better to take trains in Yoiyama period.

The bus routes are changed to avoid Hokomachi.
Following are the stations near Hokomachi (the enclosed area in blue line);
Kyoto City Subway Shijo station(the blue train on the map), Hankyu Karasuma station (the red train), and Keihan Shijo Kawaramachi station (the green train).