- Page 1 What is Yoiyama, Kaisyo opendays
- Page 2 Best time to visit
- Page 3 Trafic regulations for pedestrian
- Page 4 Breaking report
The following is the contents of this article.
Breaking report

The following is a schedule of Saki Matsuri of Gion Matsuri 2022.
- Saki Matsuri・・・7/14~7/16
7/16 Yoi Yama 宵山
Around 16:00. オニのようにcrowded though Yoiyama has not yet started.
At 18:00. The regulation is in effect. So many people, we are in 修羅場 (syuraba, toughest situation).
We’ve got a lot of food sands today.
7/15 Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々山
Yoi Miya Sai宵宮祭
Now the Deities are on Mikoshis and ready for outing.
Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々山

Yoiyama area is so crowded as usual year.

Tomorrow, オニのようにCROWDED.
There were a few Food stands.
7/14 Yoi Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々々山

Breaking report, 合掌
- NO traffic regulations are in effect but lots of police officer are there.
- We cannot stay around Naginata Hoko, and Kanko Hoko.
- At 19:00, Chimaki of Naginata Hoko are sold out.
- We can get 4 Goshuin stamps at Kanko Hoko.
- At Yamabushi Yama Kaisho, we can admire brad-new Mizuhikis (somthing like carpets decolate floats.) . Buy something at Yamabushiyama to see them. Usual year, we exercise Chinowakuguri but it’s not available this year due to COVID-19. 3 types of Goshuin stamps are available.
- Ofune Hoko Kaisho is open in Sakimatsuri. Goshuin stamps and souvenirs are available. This year, Ofune Hoko parades with a golden dragon. It makes Ryuto Gekishu with Fune Hoko.
- At Toroyama Kaisyo, most of all T-shrits are sold out.
- It takes about 90 minutes to see all of Yamahoko floats except Hosho Yama. It will take much more time on 15th and 16th.
- In Yoiyama, it’s hot because there are lots of people around us. Take water or smth when feeling thirsty.

Make sure what Ryuto Gekishu boats are.

Typical Sakimatsuri bleu. We cannot expect this in Atomatsuri.
Shijo street is not crowede as expected.
So is Yoiyama area.

Kanko Hoko has 4 types Goshiin stamps. 1 and 2 is available any other years except ”令和四年.” ”令和四年” is our Imperial year. Get both of them at a Tent located east to Kanko Hoko. 3 is available at the one to located west to it. 4 is available at the one to located west to it. Each one of them is 300 JPY.

4 is peculiar. Soラブリー( Rabu Ry, lovely)
Breaking 2023 直近最新情報
7/15 Yoi-yoi Yama 宵々山
Early in the morning, the Imitakes were prapared.
The is prepared for the Shimenawa rope he cuts off.
7/14 Yoi-yoi-yoi Yama 宵々々山
After 21:00
At Tsukihoko one of the Tenuguis they offer are sold out.
At Toro Yama, T-shirts are sold out except the ones for kids.
The Goshuin stamps of Hakuga Yama are updated. There are 2 kinds.
Around 12:00
At Shinsen-en, the place Gion Matsuri started some 1000 years ago, the abbot of Shinsen-en temple and the priest of Yaska shrine exchanged the sacred water.

In Japan, we use water for Harae. Check the post on Chinowa Kuguri.

At Naginata Hoko, the Chimakis of the day were sold out.
At Tsukihoko, small fan is sold out. Chimakis are still available.

It will be sold out in the late evening.

At Toroyama people wait in line. The red arrow shows the end of the line and the white one indicates the Kaisho.
T-shirts and Tenugui and others are available.
Byobu Matsuri of Nagokake is on the go.
At Iwato Yama and Udare Yama, we can enjoy the ornamants of them.
7/13 Yoi-yoi-yoi-yoi Yama 宵々々々山
Yamahokos lit their Komagata Chochin lanters.
Near Naginata hoko, the trafic regulation is on.
This year, Kanko Hoko offers us 2 kinds of Goshuin stamp (300 yen each). Kanko Hoko prepares a tapis of Mont Saint-Michel for the Maekake. The special sheet for Goshuin is available for 200 yen. (the right)
Kikusui Hoko Tea Party started.
- 13th・・・13:00~21:00
- 14th・・・12:00~21:00
- 15th・・・13:00~21:00
- 16th・・・12:00~21:00

しっぽり(Shippori) means something wet physically or mentally.
Today, the musicians of Kikusui Hoko and Kanko Hoko plays Gion Bayashi music on each Hoko. At Kaisho of Kanoko Hoko, we can have Chimaki for 1000 yen.
Now Mikoshis are in Buden of Yasaka shrine. The priests will bring the sprits of the deities to them on 15th.
Today, Yamahoko-building started,

Check out.

The Ohayashi musicians of Ohfunehoko are practicing.
At Daimaru department store, we can see the figurehead of Ofune Hoko.
This year, the Samura armor exhibition of Yumiyacho takes place.

On 7/12, I found 2 armors. I’m sure some Samurais couldn’t afford to wait.

It is not a well-known event. Only few Gion Matsuri-enthusiasts know. DO NOT MISS it.
- Dates・・・7/15~17
- Opne hours・・・10:00~17:00
Mikoshi Arai shiki and Omukae Chochin took place.
Appendix 参考文献
真弓常忠/編 (2002)『祇園信仰事典』戎光祥出版
川嶋 將生 (2010)『祇園祭 祝祭の都』
下間正隆 (2014)『イラスト祇園祭』京都新聞出版センター
脇田晴子 (2016)『中世京都と祇園祭ー疫神と都市の生活』
公益財団法人祇園祭山鉾連合会 (2018)『放鷹ー祇園祭 鷹山 復興のための基本設計』公益財団法人鷹山保存会