Take JR lines or Keihan lines to get to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine. Don’t take bus. Anywhere in Kyoto, head for a JR/ Kenhan station.

Fushimi Inari Taisha?
JR Nara Line
General info.
- JR Inari station
- Local lines
JR Nara line is the best and easiest way to Fuhimi Inari because JR Inari station is located in front of the main Torii gate of the shrine.
Local, rapid, and Niyakoji rapid are available and Only LOCAL line stops JR Inari station.
Getting on
1st, find a sign board hanging on the ceiling. If you find Japanese words on it, wait for a while.
- Types of train
- Destination
- Time of departure
- Boarding position
The arrows in the red circles indicate the truck number. “Track 10” in the blue circle indicates the the train doesn’t depart here. The sign bored is for the platform 8 and 9.
2nd, find this on the platform. Boarding point is indicated with 〇 , △ and number. Wait in 2 lines.

On wheel chair? Don’t worry. JR prepares for a board works as ramp.
Find an employee and tell your destination. They “escort” you to a train you get on. At the station you get off, an employ waits for you with a board and they lead you to the gate.
3rd, make sure the train you take is the right one. Type of the train and destination are indicated in the red circles.
Getting off
JR Inari sta. has only 1 gate. Getting through it, we find ourselves in front of the main Torii gate.
To Senbon Torii
Get through the Torii gate. This is the main entrance of Fuhimi Inari.
Do abbreviated Misogi at Chozu (red cirlce) and get through Romon gate to pray at the Haiden of the main hall.

Next to the main hall. Cilmb up the stairs.

Voila! One way, pls.

Keihan Honsen line
General info.
- Keihan Fushimi Inari station
- Local, exp., sub-exp, and commuter sub-exp.
It’s tough to take Keihan lines because there are many types of trains. Only Local, exp., sub-exp, or commuter sub-exp. stop at Fushimi Inari station.
Getting on
1st, find a sign board hanging on the ceiling. If you find Japanese words on it, wait for a while.
- Types of train
- Destination
- Time of departure
- Boarding position
2nd, find this on the platform. Boarding point is indicated with 〇 , △ and number. Wait in 2 lines.

On wheel chair? Don’t worry. Keihan prepares for a board works as ramp.
Find an employee and tell your destination. They “escort” you to a train you get on. At the station you get off, an employ waits for you with a board and they lead you to the gate.
3rd, make sure the train you take is the right one. Type of the train and destination are indicated in the red circles.
Getting off
Keihan Fushimi Inari sta. has 2 platforms and they have only 1 gate individually.
Getting through it, TURN LEFT.
To Senbon Torii
Cross a river and railways.
Turn right. the Torii is not the main entrance.
On the foot of the Torii, we’ll find Chikawa Mogu Mogu Honpo store.

Lots of souvenirs are available!!!
This is the main entrance of Fushimi Inari.
Do abbreviated Misogi at Chozu (red cirlce) and get through Romon gate to pray at the Haiden of the main hall.

Next to the main hall. Cilmb up the stairs.

Voila! One way, pls.