#6 Kajuji temple 勧修寺
Introduction 概説
Kajuji temple was founded on 900. It had been a Monzeki Jiin (The temple run by descendants of Emperor) for 200 years.
As in Kamigamo shrine, we can admire beautiful red leaves there.
In the building, Kaonnon is enshrined. There are Fudan Zakura around it. Fudan Zakura is a Sakura blooms in fall and spring.

The best time to visit is from late November to early December.
About Kajuji temple 勧修寺基本情報
How to get to Kajuji temple? 勧修寺へのアクセス
About 10 minutes’ walk from Kyoto City Subway Ono station.
#7 Toji-in temple 等持院
Introduction 概説
In Toji-in temple, Shoguns of Ashikaga Shogunate is enshrined.
It has an amazing stroll garden with bright vermilion autumn leaves.
We can also enjoy Nishiki Goi in the pond in tranquility. There are few visitors even in Autumn Leaves season.

The best time to visit is from late November to early December.
About Toji-in temple 等持院基本情報
How to get to Toji-in temple? 等持院へのアクセス
About 5 minutes’ walk from Randen Toji-in station.
#8 Sennyuji temple 泉涌寺
Introduction 概説
Sennyuji temple keeps grave yards of Emperors and is also known as “Mitera.”
Its Shariden enshrines teeth of Buddha as that of Rokuo-in temple does and there is a “Crying Dragon” picture on the ceiling.

When your eyes meet its eyes, just clap your hands.
The best place to enjoy autumn leave is Gozasho building. Retired Emperor Akihito took a rest there when he was Emperor.
About Sennyuji temple 泉涌寺基本情報
How to get to Sennyuji temple? 泉涌寺へのアクセス
About 20 minutes’ walk from JR/Keihan Tofukuji station and Kyoto City Bus Sennyuji bus stop.

The next page, fascinating place inside and outside of Kyoto.