#9 Shinnyodo temple 真如堂
Introduction 概説
Shinnyodo temple is a quiet place to admire Autumn leaves. It has a few visitors even in Autumn leaves season. It is located near Eikando temple. Visit both of them on the same day.
Against the pagoda, we can enjoy lots of red leaves.
The autumn leaves in shadow in the east side of the main hall.
It has a beautiful garden to admire Daimonji yama.
About Shinnyodo temple 真如堂基本情報
How to get to Shinnyodo temple? 真如堂へのアクセス
About 10 minutes’ walk from Okazaki Jinja mae bus stop.

Shinnyodo mae bus stop? Do you want to lost your way?
#10 Zuishin-in temple 随心院
Introduction 概説
Zuishin in temple is a small temple located near Kajuji temple. It is known as “The temple of Ono no Komachi.” She is a poet in the 9th century and the neighborhood belonged to the Onos. The temple has a replica of the Fusuma picture of Kyoto Imperial palace.
Enjoy the autumn leaves taking advantage of pillars. Take them as a frame and enjoy them as though they are in a picture.
Night illumination ライトアップ
In 2020, 20 November~29 November. 18:00~20:30. Entrance fee is 700 JPY
About Zuishinin temple 隋心院基本情報
How to get to Zuishinin temple? 隋心院へのアクセス
About 10 minutes’ walk from Kyoto City Subway Ono station.