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The events canceled due to Coronavirus in Kyoto



Here in Kyoto, some events are canceled due to widespread coronavirus. The following is the gist of them officially announced. Enjoy them in the following articles and videos. This artilce is subject to be revised. I sincerely hope those who suffers form the disease and show my deepest condolences to the deceased. 合掌。


Higashiyama Hanatoro: Canceled


Higashiyama Hanatoro was to be held form Mar. 6 to 15.

Higashiyama Hanatoro ENDS in 2022: 東山花灯路英語で解説
Higashiyama Hanatoro is expected to end in 2022. Enjoy the last one we had in the absolute guide of Higashiyama Hanatoro held in Kyoto every spring.



Night illumination in Kiyomizudera temple

The night illumination (From Mar. 3 to 15)was canceled.


Night illumination in Kitano tenmangu Baien garden: Canceled


The night illumination in the Plum garden of Kitano Tenmangu was to be held form Mar. 6 to 22.  Kyogashi collection was also canceled.

Plume garden opens: 9:00~16:00

Plum blossoms Ume Japan 2025 at Kitano Tenmangu shrine Baien garden: 40% bloom on 2/22
In japan, we admire Plum blossoms or Ume before cherry blossoms bloom. Let us enjoy them at Kitano Tenmangu shrine, the most famous Ume place in Kyoto. Night illumination is available.



Beni Sidare concert in Heian Jingu shrine: Canceled

Beni Shidare concert, or “Red Weeping Concert” as Heian Jingu describes, was canceled.

Check the official site of Heian Jingu shrine.



Jikishian temple

We can visit Jikishian temple on 28th and 29th in March.

Opening hours: 10:00~16:00. Enter by 15:30.

Exhibition of Enthronement at Kyoto Imperial palace



Shuntoe at Sanjusangendo

Shuntoe ritual will take place but some of events (Yose, Wadaiko drum convert, and a kind a food court) were canceled.

Shokokuji temple

We can visit some places of Shokokuji usually not open to public from Mar.24 to Jun. 4 but the special occasion was canceled.

Gion corner

京の七夕2018 舞妓茶屋

It will be closed on Mar. 1, 6, 7, and 8.

Tea parties at Nijo castle

Tea parties on Apr. 9 and 11 were canceled.