- Overview
- Forecast 2025 梅苑の公開並びにライトアップの日程
- Breaking 2025 見頃予想、並びに開花状況
- Breaking 2024 見頃予想、並びに開花状況
- Blooms in 2023
- 2020
- Plum blossom and Japan
- Kitano Tenmangu shrine and plum blossom
- The plum blossoms in Kitano Tenmangu shrine
- Places to enjoy plum blossoms
- Night illuminatiohn of Baien 梅苑ライトアップ
- Wadaiko performance
- Chogoro mochi 長五郎餅
- 2019 Japanese Plums in Kitano tenmangu shrine
- How to get to Kitano Tenmangu shrine?
- About Kitano Tenmangu shrine
- Sping in Japan always reminds us of cherry blossom Sakura but we enjoy plum blossom/Ume before it blooms.
- Kitano Tenmangu shrine is one of the most famous place to admire Ume in Kyoto.
- Kitano Tenmangu and its Baien garden have 50 kinds, 1500 plum trees.
- Baien garden is open to public in February and March. We cannot tell exact date because the shrine opens the garden depending on bloom of Ume. In 2019, it opens on Jan. 31.
- Night illumination in Baien garden is held on week-ends (FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS, and SUNDAYS) from February 14 to March 2.
- Night illumination is canceled due to widespread coronavirus.
Forecast 2025 梅苑の公開並びにライトアップの日程
Baien garden schedule 2025 梅苑公開スケジュール
- Baien garden: 1/25/2025~3/16/2024 9:00~16:00(Entrance closed at 15:40)
- Night Ilumination: 2/14/2025~3/2/2025 Twilight~20:00(Entrance closed at19:40)Only Friday, Saturday, Sunday and 2/25.
- Entrance fee: Adult(Over 13 years old)1,200 yen children 600 yen

Night illumination is available only Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

About Kitano Tenmangu shrine

Umeboshi うめぼし
For 1,000 JPY.
Chogoro Mochi Tea House 長五郎餅 北野天満宮境内茶店
- Dates:Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays to 3/25
- Open hours:9:00~about 17:00
- 2 pieces of Chogoro Mochi with Sencha: 500 yen
- 2 pieces of Chogoro Mochi with Macha: 700 yen


Enjoy the Subitsu (炭櫃) . It’s an old-fashioned heater. The charcoal gives out warmth.
Breaking 2025 見頃予想、並びに開花状況
In Baien garden, some trees have few flowers.
Out side of the garden, I found only ONE UME.

ダダ遅れだほんとによー。SOOOOOO Late!
The tree was in full bloon on 2/3 last year.
Only a few in Baien garden.
At the entrance of the garden, they have tiny buds.
Like them.

I guess they would bloom in next weekend.
So far, so late.
Only a few Umes bloom though Baien Garden opened up the gate for us today. Usually, the ones near the gate bloom in late January.

We can see the petals in the buds. I guess they bloom in a couple of weeks.
On the other hand, Roh-bai plum blossoms bloom with sweet fragrance. We can find Roh-bais and Fudan Zakura in Kyoto Imperial Palace.

This year, the autumn leaves of 2024 still remains…

The report of 2025 kicked off. 本日より本稿の2025年の更新を開始します。本年も宜しくお願い致します。合掌
In Baien garden, some trees have flowers.
On 1/21/2024, the trees, near the entrance of Baien garden, were on about 30% bloom. This year, the garden will open up the gate for us on 1/25.
Breaking 2024 見頃予想、並びに開花状況
Baien garden was closed last weekend and there are some late bloomers left.
The revision of this post is also closed today. I gained many readers this year. I thank you all the readers. The revision of 2025 will started in early January. 合掌
Late bloom ones started to fall. The Baien garden are in about 20% bloom and the garden closes tomorrow.
Late bloom Ume are in Migoro but the whole garden is in 70% bloom.
Tobiume is in full bloom. Migoro.
And Rohbai, too. They give out the sweet fragrance.
After Romon gate, you’ll find Ushisan statue. Behind it, there are Ume on the tree.
Passing through Ushisan, head for the main hall. There are Ume tree in line. You’ll find them one of them.

Some Ume in Kitano Tenmangu are on decline but we still have a chance to enjoy Ume in bloom. This year, Ume Matsuri takes place in Haradanien. Check out the link below.

Baigen garden is still in Migoro. Some have just start blooming and early bloomers are gone away.
Tobiume are in 90% bloom.
Roubai are in full bloom with sweet frafrance.
Genpei Sakiwake are in slight progress.

Baien garden is in Migoro though some early bloomers fell off. Of course some has just started bloom and some are still buds.

Ume are illuminated with candles but some are LED candles. The night is in the typical “spring blue” in Kyoto. This blue lasts by Sakimatsuri Yoiyama of Gion Matsuri.

After Sakimatsuri, we can’t find this blue and find the summer is ending.

Gion Matsuri used to be held on the lunar calendar. Mikoshi always came back to Gion sha (former name of Yasaka shrine) in the dim light of full moon. Now it it is the unusual. Long lost tradition. The last time we experienced was couples of years ago.
Today, we also can enjoy the full moon.

At the tea house, we can enjoy tea and Senbei. Show the ticket and have them at the booth near it (Free). You can have other things (not free).

Amazake (500 jpy) is recommended. It is not alcohol though it sounds Zake (sake).
After the main gate, you’ll find Ushi-san.
Turn left. There is the entrance of Baien garden.
The Kawazu Zakura at Ichojo Modoribashi bridge is in about 10% bloom. If you want to admire the Sakura, go to Toji or Sanjo Ohashi bridge. They are in 50% bloom.

About 90%. Baien garden is in Absolute Migoro.

Night illumination starts from 2/23. Illuminated by candles. Candle night illumination are available in Baien garden and ME.
The ones in Baien garden are in 60% bloom.

Next weekend, they will be in Migoro.
This year, special Goshuin stamps are available.

Baien Goshjin (left 梅苑御朱印) 500 JPY, Luminus Baika Shosei Gosyuin (right 梅花照星御朱印) 1,200 JPY.
People waited in line at the entrance of Baien. ↓indicates the end of the line.

Don’t worry. You don’t wait to enter so long.
The ones over Ushi-san are in Migoro.
Others: Robai is in 30% bloom. Genpei Sakiwake (white ones) started to bloom, Omoi no Mama is not yet. Unryubai is in Migoro.
Today, Japan marked 2684th anniversary. Check out the link below.


Today is Setsubun and lots of people there.
Baien gareden is available now. (2/1~) The Ume near the entrance is almost in full bloom but the garden is in about 20% bloom.
Near Ushi-san, Chira Hora (just started blooming).
Roubai is also in Chira Hora with sweet fragrance.
Unryubai is in full bloom.
Genpei Sakiwake started blooming and Omoinamama is not yet.
We can find some over the Ushisan.
The tree near Torii has many flowers.
Tobiume has still stiff buds.
Baien garden is still in about 1% bloom.
Near the main hall, some flower bloom and the ones in Baien garden is in about 1% bloom.
At Temizu sha, the flowers including plum blossoms are in bloom.
Blooms in 2023
3/3 ヤギ撮影隊ライトアップ緊急入魂乱入済

Now the sky is in the spring blue. It last until Sakimatsuri of Gion Matsuri.

Be there around 18:30.
The garden is illuminated with candles and in About 70% bloom. Some are not in bloom. I believe we could enjoy Migoro in next week.
Enjyo the crackers and the tea.
About 70% bloom. Now Kitano Tenmangu shrine is in Migoro. Gempei Sakiwakes started to bloom. Tobiumes and Omoinomamas are buds.
About 40% bloom. The early bloomers and Robais are still in Migoro. The shine would be in Migoro in next week.

At Sanjo Ohashi bridge, Kawazu Zakuras started to bloom. We can enjoy Ume and Sakura at the same time.
About 40% bloom. The early bloomers and Robais are in Migoro.

Baien garden is illuminated with candles!
About 1 % of the trees in Baien garden have blossoms. At the entrance, the tree is in Migoro.
At Oimatsu sha, we can find blossoms are in bloom.
On pruning
The plums in Baien garden have just started to bloom.
Some Robai blossoms give out the sweet fragrance.
Unryubais are not in bloom.
At Oimatsu sha, located near Sankomon gate, the plums are in bloom.
Omoino mama branchs are still available.

Enjoy Hana Temizu/ Chozu with Ushi-san.
Over Usshi-san (うしさん), few white ones Bloom.
Robai plums give out the sweet fragrance.
And other plums bloom as expected.
Chozu is decorated with Roabai and other flowers as usual.
Near Sanko Mon gate, we can find some flowers.
Usually, some early-blooming plum blossoms in bloom around the last week of Feb. or the first week of Mar.
The week end of the first week of MARCH is the best time in every year.

This article is for your reference. We cannot foresee the best time to admire plum blossoms exactly. We are not responsible any disadvantage you have.

On Feb 9, Early-blooming ones are in full bloom. This year, the entrcance fee is 1,000 JPY.
Most of all the plum blossoms in Baien garden are in 80 percent bloom. We have the first illumination on Feb 28 and it think it is the best time to visit.
Plum blossom and Japan
As you Know, Sakura is the most famous flower in spring time in Japan. On the other hand, we admire Ume/plum blossom before Sakura/cherry blossom. Ume is not indigenous to Japan. It was brought to our country from China in Nara period (710 – 794). In Manyoshu, the oldest Waka compilation, has many poem on Ume. In that period, the word “flower” was equivalent to “Ume.”
Kitano Tenmangu shrine and plum blossom
Kitano Tenmangu enshrines Sugawara no Michizane. He was a court noble in Heian period. He was so prosperous that his political rival Fujiwara no Tokihira ousted him to Dazaifu (Fukuoka prefecture) by false accusation.
Michizane had cherry blossom, pine, and plum trees in the garden of his residence. On the day he left Kyoto to Dazaifu, he missed these trees. He loved the blossoms of the tree especially and he composed a poem: “東風吹かば にほひをこせよ 梅花 主なしとて 春を忘るな” It means ” O plum blossoms! I’m leaving you but spring shall be with you! To me, bring the fragrance of you on the wind to the west (Dazaifu is located west to Kyoto)!
After he had gone, the cherry tree withered. The pine tree tried to follow him but failed. Only the blossoms of the plum tree flew away to Dazaihu to see him. We can find the blossm tree in front of the main hall of Kitano tenmangu shrine today. The blossoms flew to Dazaifu gave birth to Goshinboku tree in Dazaifu Tenmangu shrine.
Due to this story, there are about 1500 plum trees in Kitano Tenmangu shrine and we can see Baimon (crest of Ume) crest of the shrine anywhere in the shrine.
The plum blossoms in Kitano Tenmangu shrine
Beni Wakon Bai 紅和魂梅
The Goshinboku tree of Kitano Tenmangu shrine. Goshinboku is a tree Shinto Deity descends to. It is believed that the blossoms of it flew away to Michizane.
As you like おもいのまま
In one branch, there are pink and white flowers bloom at the same time.
Some flowers have both colors on one flower.
Unryubai 雲龍梅
Behind the main hall, there is a sub-shrine called Oimatsu sha. In front of it, there is a Unryu bai trees. Its zigzag branches reminds us of dragon. Dragon is a Deity of water in Japan. Unryu means “Dragon in crowd” and bai means “plum blossom.”
Kankobai 寒紅梅
In front of the ox, you’ll find them.
Tsukino katsura 月の桂
The most popular Ume in Kitano Tenmangu shrine. The first photo is Tsukuno Katsura and the other is Hakubai (white Ume). See the difference.
Kokubai 黒梅
It blooms in bright red.
Places to enjoy plum blossoms
Around the main hall
Unryubai buds. Plum blossom has tiny buds usually.
Kankobai in snow. Plum blossoms in snow are so amazing. Especially red ones. I suppose we don’t expect snow in this winter.
Ume may look like all the same but they are different in color and the ways they bloom.
Baien garden
Kitano Tenmangu has a huge Baien garden. It is not open to public. We can pay a visit there only in February and March. In 2019, it will open in Feb. 8th. Every year, around the 2nd week of March is the best time to visit.
Entrance fee is 700 yen. In the tea house in the garden, Ume tea and Senbei are served. The entrance fee includes the bill of them.
If you’d like, you can enjoy other foods and drinks.
There are benches to admire the blossoms in the garden.
You also enjoy Tsubaki, the Japanese camellia.
In the area of Kitano Tenmangu shrine, there is debris of Odoi. Odoi was a kind of wall resembled river bank. It surrounded ancient Kyoto city. There is a stream and many plum trees are planted along it.
The pink line indicates Baien.
Date Feb 8th~late March
Open hours:10 a.m.~16 p.m.
It is different from the open hour of Kitano Tenmangu shrine
Entrance fee Adult(Over 13 years old: 700 yen Child: 350 yen
Website: Kitano Tenmangu official (English)
Night illuminatiohn of Baien 梅苑ライトアップ
In 2018
Kitano Tenmangu has night illumination of plum blossoms. Kitano Tenmangu is the only place to admire the illumination of candles.

We cannot expect night illumination with candles any other places!

Be there virtually!
Wadaiko performance
Today (March 2nd), Kitano Tenjin Taikokai dedicated their Japanese traditional drum performance to the Deity of Kitano Tenmangu shrine. Enjoy it!
Chogoro mochi 長五郎餅
Near the East gate of Kitano Tenmangu shrine, there is a small tea house of Chogoro mochi. By March 25th, it opens on every weekend. Moch is rice cake. This Chogoro mochi was served at Kitano Daisanoe in 1587. It is a legendary tea party held by Toyotomi Hedeyoshi at Kitano Tenmangu shrine. With Macha, 580 yen. The tea house is so warm thanks to Hibachi (the second photo). The charcoal gives out heat.

Sorry, Japanese language only!
2019 Japanese Plums in Kitano tenmangu shrine
February 9th
Unryubai in front of Oimatsu sha and Shosui bai over the ox (ウッシーくん) bloom well.
How to get to Kitano Tenmangu shrine?
Kyoto city bus: Kitano Tenmangu mae bus stop.
Randen: Kitano Hakubaicho station