Kiyomizu-dera temple in Autumn Leaves and night illumination 2018
Kiyomizu dera is the most popular destination for tourists. It was founded in 778 and one of the temples constructed before the establishment of Heiankyo city. In 1995, it was listed in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In fall, it is ornamented with autumn leaves and illuminated at night. It is now under renovation and the main hall is covered with huge cage.
1)We can enter the main hall and the stage though they are under construction.
2)At night, we can’t go to or enter some places.
3)The autumn leaves in Kiyomizu-dera temple grow in amazing colors: Red, yellow, vermilion, and green. We can enjoy one of the most beautiful autumn leaves in Kyoto.
4)Now the main hall was covered with a cage. Don’t be disappointed. We can see it in every 50 years.
5)In fall, Jojuin, a sub-temple of Kiyomizu-dera is open to public.
6)We can experience Tainai Meguri (I’ll tell you what it is later.) at Zuigudo temple.
7)I’ll show you places to enjoy Kiyomizu-dera.
8)You can learn the secret way to Kiyomizu-dera avoiding crowd.
About Kiyomizu-dera temple

Kiyomizu-dera in Autumn Leaves: Daytime
Take a look at the map. The blue octopus indicates the entrance. We walk along the red line. The red octopus is the exit.
The main hall 本堂
This is the main hall before the renovation. The vermilion alien indicates the main hall in the map. On the stage of Okunoin (the red alien), we have a good view of it.
Now the main hall in under renovation and is covered with a huge cage. The renovation is to be completed in 2020. We can enter the main hall though it is under renovation.
The cage makes the stage narrow but we still have an extraordinary view. The small pagoda in the photo is Koyasunoto. We’ll be there later.
BAAH! Now we are in front of Koyasunoto (The blue alien). We can see buildings consist of Kiyomizu-dera. At night, we can be there.
We also admire the stage at its foot.
At the yellow alien, we can see the valley filled with maple trees.
Near the exit (the red octopus), we can adore an amazing view: the pagoda and maple trees in warm and bright red. Most visitors don’t pay attention them. Don’t miss them!

Don’t miss them, O.K.どすえ?
Turn around there. There is a pond in green and red.
Enjoy my temple!
Zuigo do temple 隋求堂 胎内めぐり
At Zuigudo, we can experience “Tainai Meguri (Going back to the womb).” In Tainai Meguri, we descend the stairs and get into the ground floor of the temple. We are in complete darkness. On the wall, there is a rope with small balls that works as handrail. We go back to the womb with help of umbilical cord. In the middle of the darkness, we find a stone lit by dim light. On the stone, a Siddham script letter is engraved. It stands for the Deity enshrined in Zuigudo. We touch it and pray for our wish. After that, we go back to the world and find ourselves reborn. 合掌。
Jojuin temple 成就院「月の庭」秋の特別拝観
Jojuin temple is a sub-temple of Kiyomizu-dera. It was constructed as a residence of a monk who made a great help to Kiyomizu-dera. It is not open to public usually but we can visit there in spring and fall. We can’t take photo. Visit the website (Japanese language only but you can see many photos.) .
Opening hours: 9:00~16:00
Entrance fee: 600 yen

Kiyomizu-dera in Autumn Leaves: Night Illumination
Around 5 p.m., Kiyomizu-dera is closed. At 17:30, it is reopened.
Take a look at the map. The blue octopus indicates the entrance. Be sure the difference from daytime visit. At night, the entrance is located near Nioh mon gate (The left gate in the photo.)
We can visit Zuigudo or Pagoda without fee in daytime but can’t be there without it at night.
Illumination in fall 2018
From 17th November to 2nd December
Opening hours 17:30~21:00
Entrance fee: 400 yen
The main hall 本堂
The main hall at night before the renovation. The blue light stands for the Blue Dragon. It is believed that Kannnon enshrined in Kiyomizu-dera is also a dragon.
At the stage, we can see Kyoto city over the ocean of autumn leaves. In side of the main hall, there are beautiful lanterns.
This photo is taken in the last fall at the stage of Okunoin. I suppose the main hall looks like this in 2018. We are not allowed to take photo with tripod. I put a camera on a fence and take this.
We can’t see the main hall without cage this year. Don’t be disappointed. We allowed to see this scenery only a couple of years. We might see it in the next life.
Look up the stage. Most of visitors don’t know how stunning it is.
Around the yellow alien, maple trees make a tunnel. Enjoy them!
The same view as the daytime. At night, they are in extraordinary bright red. On of my favorite places in Kyoto.
Near the exit, there is a pond. Enjoy Mizukagami (the reflection on the pond).
West gate, pagoda and other buildings 西門、三重塔など本堂付近
From left to right: Pagoda, Kyodo, and Kaizando. Behind the pagoda, there is West gate.
Through West gate, we can see Kyoto city in night. As you see, it is beyond words.

Don’t miss it~
Zuigo do temple 隋求堂 胎内めぐり
I suppose we can visit Zuigudo and make Tainai Meguri at night (Usually we can). I can’t tell whether we can or not because it is not announced officially.
Jojuin temple 成就院「月の庭」秋の特別拝観
We can visit Jojuin temple at night.
Opening hours: 18:00~20:30
Entrance fee; 600 yen
I’ll wait for you at Kiyomizu-dera!
About Kiyomizu-dera
Official name: Otowazan Kiyomizu-dera 音羽山清水寺
Address: Kiyomizu cho 1-294, Higashiyama ward, Kyoto city, Kyoto pref.
Phone no. 075-551-1234
FAX no. 075-551-1287
Website; Kiyomizu-dera official HP
Open hours: Depends on seasons. See Official website.
Entrance fee: Adult 400 yen Under 16 years old 200 yen
Time required: 1 hour~
How to get to Kiyomizu-dera temple at fall?
Fall is high season. Many people migrated to Kyoto to admire autumn leaves around the world. Usually, we head for Kiyomizu michi or Gojozaka bus stops to get to Kiyomizu-dera.
In high season, we head for Shijo Kawaramachi or Gion bus stops instead. We also take train to get to Kiyomizu-dera temple. Keihan Gion shijo station, Kiyomizu Gojo station, and Hankyu Kawaramachi station.

Kiyomizu michi and Gojozaka bus stops are not available! Crowded!
More info.