Bosatsu-bu 五菩薩像(菩薩部)
It consists of statues of Kongo-Haramitsu-Bosatsu, Kongo-Hoh-Bosatsu, Kongo-Hoh-Bosatsu, Kongo-Goh-Bosatsu, and Kongo-Satta-Bosatsu.
These Deities called “Bosatsu” in Japanese.They are on the way to the enlightenment. They leads people to it with the help of Nyorai. They are on the same kind of outfits ancient people wore because they leads them to the enlightenment. They have the word “Kongo” in their names. It means a strong will to do something.
Kongo-Haramitsu-Bosatsu 金剛波羅蜜菩薩(center)
It leads people to Buddhism with his wisdom.

The statue is absent because it is under restoration.
Kongo-Hoh-Bostsu 金剛法菩薩(fornt, left)
It leads people who lost their way to the enlightenment.
Kongo-Hoh-Bosatsu 金剛宝菩薩(front, right)
It is Hojo-Nyorai in the form of Bosatsu. He brings people happiness.
Kongo-Goh-Bosatsu 金剛業菩薩(back, left)
It saves people who lost their way.
Kongo-Satta-Bosatsu 金剛薩埵菩薩像(back, right)
It save people who suffers from “Bonnoh.” Bonnoh means unfavorable desire which prevent people from enlightenment.
Myo-Oh-Bu 五大明王像(明王部)
It consists of statues of Fudoh-Myo-Oh, Gundari-Myo-Oh, Koh-Zanze-Myo-Oh, Daiitoku-Myo-Oh, and Kongo-Yasha-Myo-Oh.
These Deities called “Myo-Oh” in Japanese. They are Deiteis only found in Vajrayana Buddhism. They are Nyorai in the form called Myo-Oh and save people form Bonnoh to leads to the enlightenment.
Fudoh-Myo-Oh 不動明王像(1)
It is equal to Dainichi-Nyorai. It facial expression stands for its strong will to save people. The fire behind it is called “Karuraen.” It means a Deity called “Karuraten” which devour Bonnoh.
Gundari-Myo-Oh 軍荼利明王像(2)
It is equal to Hojoy-Nyorai. It saves people with its eight hands. It is a savior of the south.
Koh-Zanze-Myo-Oh 隆三世明王(3)
It is equal to Asuku-Nyorai. It extreminates Bonnno in the past, the present, and the future. It is a savior of the east.
Daiitoku-Myo-Oh 大威徳明王(4)
It is equal to Amida-Nyorai/Monju-Bosatsu. It saves people on the ox and a savior of the west.
Kongo-Yasha-Myo-Oh 金剛夜叉明王(5)
It is eaual to Fuku-Jyoju-Nyorai. It devours anythign evil and a savior of the north.
It consists of statues of Zohcho-ten, Jikoku-Ten, Komoku-Ten, Tamon-ten, Taishaku-Ten, and Bon-Ten. The Deities of Ten-Bu are saviors of Buddhism. They used to be Deities in ancient India. In 3D-Mandala, they are saviors of Kodo hall and Buddhism.
Zohcho-ten 増長天
It saves the souther part of the hall.
Jikoku-Ten 持国天
It saves the eastern part of the hall.
Komoku-Ten 広目天
It saves the western part of the hall.
Tamon-ten 多聞天
Tamon-ten is also known as Bisyamon-Ten. Many Samurai warriors believed in it because it is the Deity of victory. It saves the northern part of the hall.
Taishaku-Ten 帝釈天
It is the Deity who saved Gautama Buddha.
When Gautama Buddha was enlightened, with Taishaku-Ten, it asked him to tell his teaching to people.
About Toji temple 東寺基本情報
How to get to Toji temple? 東寺へのアクセス
About 3 minutes walk from Toji Higashimon mae, or Toji micji bus stop.
About 15 minutes wald form JR Kyoto station and Kintetsu Toji station.