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Shrines and temples to visit in Kyoto after declaration of emergency lifted in fear of COVID-19



On May 21, the declaration of emergency was lifted in Kyoto and we can visit many Shinto shrine and Buddhist temple again.

Some of them offers shortened open hrs and ask for Social distancing and other things.

In Japan, we understand that it would be better to prevent ourselves from so-called Sanmitsu. Sanmitsu (3密) means 3 Mitsu which cause cluster: Closed place, place lots of people gather, and conversation in short distance.

If you wanted to avoid Sanmitsu, please check the link below.

Places to visit in Kyoto after COVID-19
Now the state of emergency was lifted in Japan but the fear of COVID-19 still exists. In this article, I'll show you places to visit for enjoying Goriyaku (Good fortune), Aomomoji, and other things in Kyoto keeping social distance.


いちきしま ひめ
いちきしま ひめ

his site and article don’t recommend outing though the state of emergency was lifted. Make your decision with extreme care.

This site cannot guarantee your safety.

The information of shrines and temples are subject to be changed.

This site is not responsible for any disadvantages you have at all.



Take good care of your health. We still are in the fear of COVID-19, O.K.?



Higashiyama area 東山エリア

Open hrs website
Yasaka shrne八坂神社 6:00~21:00 http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/ Face mask needed. Only printed Gosyuin available.
Kodaiji temple 高台寺 9:00~17:30 http://www.kodaiji.com/e_index.html Face mask needed.
Kiyomizudera temple清水寺 6:00~18:00 https://kiyomizudera.or.jp/en/
Ryozen Kannnon霊山観音 8:40~16:00 http://www.ryozen-kwannon.jp/indexE.html
Kenininji temple建仁寺 CLOSED https://www.kenninji.jp/english/ Opens on June 8

Heian Jingu and philosopher’s path area 平安神宮・哲学の道エリア

Open hrs Website
Heian Jingu shrine平安神宮 6:00~16:30 http://www.heianjingu.or.jp/

Written in Japanese but you can choose other language on the top page.

Shinen Garden 8:30~16:30
Nanzenji temple南禅寺 8:40~17:00 http://www.nanzen.net/english/ Face mask and Social distancing (At least 2m) needed. Sanitize hands.
Tenjuan temple天授庵 Not available Not available
Shinnyodo temple 真如堂 CLOSED https://shin-nyo-do.jp/
Konkai Komyoji temple 金戒光明寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.kurodani.jp/ Only printed Gosyuin available.
Eikando temple 永観堂 CLOSED http://www.eikando.or.jp/mobile_jp/mb_haikan.html
Honenin temple 法然院 Not available http://www.honen-in.jp/

Japanese language only


Ginkakuji area 銀閣寺エリア

Open hrs Website
Ginkakuji temple 銀閣寺 8:30~17:00 https://www.shokoku-ji.jp/en/ginkakuji/
Shisendo temple 詩仙堂 拝観中止 https://kyoto-shisendo.net/

Japanese language only

Enkoji temple 圓光寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.enkouji.jp/
Manshuin temple 曼殊院 10:00~14:30 https://www.manshuinmonzeki.jp/

Japanese language only


Kamo shrines (Kamigamo and Shimogamo shrine)賀茂社(上賀茂・下鴨神社)

Open hrs Website
Kamigamo Jinja shrine 上賀茂神社 5:00~16:00 https://www.kamigamojinja.jp/english/ Omamori and others are available 8:00~15:45

Sinme horse absent.

Shimogamo Jinja shrine


6:00~17:00 https://www.shimogamo-jinja.or.jp/english/ Omamori and others are available 9:00~16:30

The city  洛中

Open hrs Website
Kyoto Imperial Palace 御所 https://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/guide/kyoto.html Open for residents of Kyoto pref.
Rokkakudo temple 六角堂 9:00~17:00 https://www.ikenobo.jp/rokkakudo/

Japanese language only

Nijojo castle 二条城 8:45~16:00 http://nijo-jocastle.city.kyoto.lg.jp/ Open for residents of Kyoto pref. by June 18.
Shinsenen temple 神泉苑 Not available http://www.shinsenen.org/

Kinakuji temple area 金閣寺エリア

Open hrs Website
Kinkakuji temple 金閣寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.shokoku-ji.jp/en/kinkakuji/
Ryoganji temple 龍安寺 8:00~17:00 http://www.ryoanji.jp/smph/eng/ Only printed Gosyuin available.
Ninnnaji temple 仁和寺 10:00~16:00 http://www.ninnaji.jp/en/
Myousinji temple 妙心寺 Not available https://www.myoshinji.or.jp/english/
Taizoin temple 退蔵院 9:00~17:00 http://www.taizoin.com/en/ Tea house closed. Only printed Gosyuin available.

Arashiyama area 嵐山エリア

Open hrs Website
Tenryuji temple 天龍寺 8:30~17:00 http://www.tenryuji.com/en/
Hogonin temple 宝厳院 9:00~17:00 http://www.hogonin.jp/en/index.html Face mask and Social distancing needed.
Okochi Sanso 大河内山荘 Not available Not available
Jyo Jyakkoji temple 常寂光寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.jojakko-ji.or.jp/

Japanese language only

Gioji temple 祇王寺  9:00~17:00 http://www.giouji.or.jp/en
Seiryoji temple 清涼寺(嵯峨釈迦堂) 9:00~16:00 http://seiryoji.or.jp/

Japanese language only

Daikakuji temple 大覚寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.daikakuji.or.jp/english/
Jikishian temple 直指庵 CLOSED http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~jikisian/

Japanese language only


Around Kyoto station 京都駅周辺

Open hrs Website
Higashi Honganji temple 東本願寺 6:30~17:00 http://www.higashihonganji.or.jp/english_top/
Nishi Honganji temple 西本願寺 5:30~17:00 http://www.hongwanji.or.jp/english/
Toji temple東寺 5:00~17:00 http://www.toji.or.jp/en/index.html Face mask and Social distancing needed. Sanitize hands.
Fusini Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷 http://inari.jp/en/ Omamori and others are available 8:30~16:30
Tofukuji temple 東福寺 9:00~16:00 http://www.tofukuji.jp/english/ Face mask and Social distancing needed. Sanitize hands.
Komoin temple 光明院 Not available Not available

Ohara area 大原エリア

Open hrs Website
Sanzenin temple 三千院 10:00~16:00 http://www.sanzenin.or.jp/en/
Jikkoin temple 実光院 9:00~16:00 http://www.jikkoin.com/english/
Hosenin temple 宝泉院 10:00~16:00 http://www.hosenin.net/

Japanese language only

Jyakkoin temple 寂光院 9:00~17:00 http://www.jakkoin.jp/en/

Iwakura area 岩倉エリア

Open hrs Website
Jissoin temple 実相院 9:00~17:00 http://www.jissoin.com/

Japanese language only

Face mask and Social distancing needed.
Rengeji temple 蓮華寺 Not available Not available
Rurikoin temple 瑠璃光院 10:00~17:00 Not available From June 2 to July 31.

Yamashina area 山科エリア

Open hrs Website
Daigoji temple 醍醐寺 9:00~17:00 https://www.daigoji.or.jp/index_e.html
Bisyamondo temple 毘沙門堂 9:00~16:30 http://www.bishamon.or.jp/

Japanese language only

Face mask and Social distancing needed.
Kajuji temple 勧修寺 Not available Not available
Zuishinin temple 随心院 9:00~16:30 http://www.zuishinin.or.jp/

Japanese language only

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