The gist of this article
- This page Overview、Migoro, the bloom of 2020, The forecast of 2020: March
- 2ページ目 The forecast of 2020: Late March to mid April, Mid-April, and around April 20
The following is the contents of this article.
In spring, we have many kind of Sakura here in Kyoto; Kawazu Zakura, Shidare Zakura, Someiyoshino, Omuro Zakura, and Kitano Zakura. Someiyoshino is so-called Sakura. In this article, we foresee the best period to adore them.
In Kyoto, we can enjoy from mid-March to late-April, i.e., from Kawazu Zakura to Kitano Zakura.
Most of kinds of Sakura stay full-bloom for a couples of days. This is “Migoro,” the best period to see them.
This year, Kawazu Zakura went into full-bloom about 2 weeks earlier than usual.

This article is for your reference. We cannot foresee the best time to admire autumn Sajyra exactly. We are not responsible any disadvantage you have.
Migoro means “the best time to see something.” Kyoto gives us 4 Migoro of Sakura;
- Mid-March
- Late March to mid-April
- Mid-April
- Around April 20th
Blooming of Sakura depend on weather, warmth and so on. So we can not foresee Migoro precisely and exactly.

Sakura in Kyoto?

Breaking 2025 開花状況と見頃の予想
Near Pontocho Kaburenjo, we can find the petals. I guess they would bloom by this weekend.

At Chotokuji temple (located near Demachiyanagi sta.) , Okame Zakuras are in full bloom. We can find a few Asebis and Yukiyanagis these days.
At Toji temple, Umes and Kawazu Zakuras are in Migoro. Near Ekojyo, the pagoda, 3D Mandala, and Higashidaimon.
On the other hand, Somei Yoshinos don’t bloom.
The former Knoe’s resdence in Kyoto Imperial Palace, Shidare Zakuras and Yama Zakuas blooom.
Near Sanjo Ohashi bridge, Kawazu Zakuras are in full bloom. About 2 weeks later than usual.
We can see the buds of Somei Yoshino growing near Pontocho Kaburenjo.

Enjoy Kawazu Zakuras at Toji or Sanjo Ohashi, old sport!!!
Kawazu Zakuras of Toji temple are in full bloom on 3/16 though the ones near Sanjo Ohashi and Ichijo Modoribashi bridge are in about 50% bloom.
In Kyoto, we can find tiny buds of Somei Yoshinos and Shidara Zakuras. I guess they would bloom in late March.
This week end, we can enjoy Kawazu Zakuras at Toji, Fusan Zakuras in Kyoto Imperial place and other places. Okame Zakuras of Chotokuji, Oike Zakuras at Yanaginobanba Oike are also available.
The night illumination of Toji is the best. We can enjoy Kawazu Zakuas illuminated because they bloomed late this year.

Enjoy 3D mandala and Sakuras.

Kawazu Zakuras bloom at Toji temple at last.

They will bloom in a couple of days.
At Toji, I found some petals at last. They would bloom this weekend.
So far, 3 weeks later than usual. I guess the Migoro of the year would be in mid-March.

They don’t bloom in February.
So far, 3 weeks later than usual.


So far, so late.
The bloom of Umes of Kitano Tenmangu shrine and Kawazu Zakuras are so late. About 3 weeks.

At Konoetei Ato, there are no signs of blooming.
I’m afraid we can’t see the Somei Yoshios (so-called Sakura) of Kiyomizu dera illuminated. The night illumination ends on 4/3.
On the other hand, We could enjoy Kawazu Zakura in the night illumination of Toji.

So far, I guess Somei Yoshinos won’t bloom in March.

In late March to early April, Kawazu Zakuras or Shidare Zakuras of Konoetei Ato in Kyoto Imperial Palace would bloom, I suppose.
Breaking 2024
Haradanien, the Sakura Paradise, is in Migoro. We can enjoy Somei Yoshino, Shidare Zakura, and Omuro Zakura at the same time.
Omuro Zakura in Ninnjaji are in also in Migoro.

Most of Somei Yoshino would be in Migoro in next weekend.
The Shidare Zakura near a Torii gate (North East)of Yasaka shrine is in full bloom. It precedes other Someiyoshino for a week. I guess most of Somei Yoshino in Kyoto would be in Migoro in next weekend.

The Yamazakura near the south Torii gate of Yasaka shrine is in full bloom. Don’t miss it!!!
The Shidare Zakura in Maruyama park is also in full bloom.
At Heian Jingu shrine, not yet.
In philosopher’s path, you’ll find beautiful Somei Yoshino and Ohshima Zakura (Photo).
At Hirano shrine, some Sakura bloom.
The Shidare Zakura in the Karesansui garden of Kodaiji temple is in Migoro.
In Maruayama park, 1 Shidare tree is in full bloom.
In Kodaiji, a big Shidare Zakura starts blooming.
Somei Yoshino blooms in Nene’s path, near Kodaiji temple.
In Kiyomizudrera, we can’t find Somei Yoshino at all.

The night illumination 2024 ends on 3/31. We can’t enjoy Sakura illuminated this year. Enjoy them in the video!
On the other hand, Aomomiji is on the verge of blooming.
Near Zuigudo, located in Kiyomizudera, Somei Yoshino bloom.
Near Togetsukyo bridge in Arashiyama, too.
In Tenryuji, Shidare Zakura start blooming.
In Konoe-tei Ato (Former residence of the Konoe’s) , Shidare Zakura are in Migoro.
Near Isi Yakushimon gate of Kyoto Imperial Palace, Somei Yoshino are in about 50% bloom.

I guess some early-bloomed Somei Yoshino will be in Migoro in next weekend.
At Shorenin temple, Someiyoshino bloom.
This is Shidarezakura near the north-east Torii of Yasaka shrine. It precedes other Someiyoshino for a week. I guess most of Someiyoshino in Kyoto will start blooming in next weekend.
Someiyoshino, so-called Sakura bloom near Ishiyakushi Gomon of Kyoto Imperial Place.
At Doshisha universtity, near Imadegawa Gomon of Kyoto Imprial Palace, too.
And near Kojinbashi bridge.

They started blooming about 1 week later than expected.

Someiyoshino in these places are early bloom ones in Kyoto. I guess we would find Someiyoshino bloom in other places in next week.
Near Sanjo Ohashi bridge, the second tree is in full bloom. The other is in 90% bloom.
I guess when the Sakura night illumination of Toji starts, we cannot find fully blooming Kawzu Zakura there. If you want to see fully blooming ones, go to Sanjo Ohashi asap.
In 2024, Kawazu Zakura started blooming on 2/16.
And they are in about 90% bloom. I guess they will be in full bloom in this week end. The Sakura night illumination of Toji starts on 3/16. I’m not sure we can find them in full bloom.
On 3/3, at Konoe Tei Ato (The former residence of the Konoe’s), the buds of Shidare were still stiff and those of Yamazakura are soft. I cannot foresee when Somei Yoshino start to bloom but I guess they will start blooming in mid-March and be in full bloom about one week later.
This year, we cannot admire Kitano Zakura. And the last Sakura in this spring is Omuro Zakura in Ninnjaji temple or Haradanien garden.
Breaking 2020
April 5
In Chionin temple (photo), Nanzenji temple, Philosopher’s path and other places, most of Someiyoshino are start to fall.
In Ktano Tenmangu shrine, the buds of Kitanozakura nearly start to bloom. I suppose we can see the flowers in the next weekend.
April 4
In Kiyomizudera temple, Someiyoshino near the main hall is in full bloom.
On the other hand, some of Shidarezakura near Saimon gate are start to bloom.
Jisyuzakura in Jisyu Jinja shirne are nearly in full bloom.
April 2
We can admire the main hall with Sakura for the first time in 3 years.
At Kodaiji temple, the Zen garden is illuminated. The ditches are painted as you see in the photo.
March 29
In Kyoto Imperial Palace, some Yamazakura start to fall. Shidarezakura is are in full bloom.
At Kitano Tenmangu shrine, small buds are found. I suppose they will start to bloom around April 10.
Ninnnaji says, “Small buds of Omurozakura are found.” The Sakura in the photo is Ariake. Omurozakura is a kind of Ariake and they bloom in the same way.
In Sagasyakado (Seiryoji temple), Shidarezakura are in full bloom.
Sakura in Mt. Arashiyama is in 80% bloom. In Hogoin temple, Shidarezakura are in full bloom.
Most of Someiyoshino in Kyoto will bloom around April 1.

The best time to admire Sakura will start with April.
March 28
In Kiyomizudera temple, Someiyoshino are in 50% bloom.
One of four Shidarezakura is in full bloom.
In Marayama park, Gion Beni Shidare is in full bloom. Someiyoshino are in 80% bloom.
Someiyosino in Nanzenji temple are in 50% bloom.
At Heian Jingu shrine, Sakon no Sakura (Yamzakura) is nearly in full bloom. This Sakura has short life expectancy. It last a couple of days.
March 26
In Kiyamachi dori (near Sanjo Ohashi bridge), some of Sakura is in full bloom. I think most of Sakura in the city is in full-bloom in this weekend.
March 21
Today, I found the earliest Someiyoshino (So-called Sakura) at Ninnnaji temple.
March 20
Some Shidarezakura is still in full bloom at Kyoto Imperial palace.
At Kodaiji temple, Shidarezakura started to bloom.
At the entrance, Nene chan tells us how the Shidarezakura blooms.
In Maruyama park, the Shidarezakura I referred to last week is in full bloom now.
As I expected, Gion Beni Shidare start to bloom.
Now most of Sakura don’t bloom earlier than usual.
March 15
Some Shidare Zakura is in full bloom at Konoetei Ato in Kyoto Imperial Palace.
We can enjoy Ume and Sakura in front of Minami Romon gate of Yasaka Shrine.
Shidare Zakura in Maruyama Park blooms.
About 1 week later, Gion Beni Shidare will be start to bloom.
At Ryozen Kannon, we are able to enjoy Sakura (Daikan Zakura, I suppose) and Ume at the same time.
Most of Sakura bloom about 10 days earlier.
March 14
Night illumination of Toji started today. We can enjoy Kawazu Zakura there. The Migoro is nearly ending. Go there as soon as possible.
March 8
At Konoetei-ato in Kyoto Imperial Place, We cans see some flowers of Yamazakura and Shidare Zakura bloom. About 10 days earlier than usual year. Kawazu Zakura is still in full-bloom but petals of some flowers start to fall.
February 27
Kawazu Zakura in many places bloom 2 weeks earlier than expected. This is the case with Ume, Japanese plum blossom, and I suppose this is a trend of 2020.
On Jan. 2, we can’t find Unryubai in Kitano Tenmangu shrine but most of Ume bloom 2 weeks earlier than usual year. We can’t see whether other Sakura also bloom earlier in the same way or not.
Thought we can’t foresee the future, we can expect other Sakura bloom 10 to 14 days eaelier. Usually, most of popular Sakura places in Migoro in early-April. In this year, If we visited Kyoto in the usual Migoro, we might be in the state of mid-April in usual year. This means we would enjoy Sakura in Haradanien, Ninnnaji temple(Omuro Zakura), and Kitano Tenmangu shrine(Kitano Zakura), and Rakusai region. On the other hand, we also would enjoy Green Maple.
The forecast of 2020
Attention: The following is a tendency of Sakura blooming of usual year. No one can forecast the exact date or period to enjoy them. There are many kinds of Sakura. In March, Shidare Zakura, Yamazakura bloom. Someiyoshino, so-called Sakura blooms in April. After Somei Yoshino, Omuro Zakura and Kitano Zakura bloom.
Kawazu Zakura: Mid-March Full bloom on March 27, 2020
We see flowers named “Sakura” in October but it is Kawazu Zakura that tells the end of winter. We can enjoy it, Toji temple, Unryuin temple, Ichijo Modoribashi bridge, and Sanjo Ohasi bridge.

Shisare Zakura in Konoetei-ato: Around April 20
Konoetei-ato is located in the north-west part of Kyoto Imperial Place. This is the earliest-blooming Sakura except Kawazu Zakura. We can also enjoy flowers of peach.
Shidare Zakura in Kodaiji temple: Around March 25
Kodaiji temple has an extraordinary Shidare Zakura in its Zengarden. It is huge but has exquisite flowers. As in the second photo, we can admire it through Kato Mado window.
Ryozen Kannon: Around March 25
In the garden of Kodaij temple, we catch a glimpse of a huge Bodhisattva. It is Ryozan Kannon. We can enjoy Yae Zakura and other spring flowers like Ume blossoms.
Kamigamo Shrine: Around March 25
Some Sakura, like Shidare Zakura and Kanhi Zakura go into Migoro. Famous ones like Saioh Zakura, named after Saioh in Aoi matsuri festival, and Gosho Zakura bloom early-April.
Hirano Shirne: Around March 25
Hirano shrine is one of the most famous Sakura place in Kyoto. We can admire lots of kinds of Sakura for a month from the day indicated above.
Kyoto Imperial Palace and Heianjigu: Around March 25
Sakon no Sakura of Shisinden of Kyoto Imperial palace(the 1st picutre) and Heian Jingu (the 2nd picture) bloom at the same time because Sakon no Sakura is a mother of that of Heian Jingu Shrine.
The building in the 1st picture is Shisinden and the one in the 2nd picture is Daigokuden. Both of them are halls play nearly the same role. So they have Sakura has the same name. Check the link below.

Let us see the best Sakura period in Kyoto in the next page!