Aomomjis are young Autumn Leaves and mean “Fresh Green maple leaves” in Japanese. In late March or early April, we can find small maple leaves in light green with tiny flowers and they gradually grow into deep green matured “Aomomiji.”
In this post, I’ll show you the current situation about “Aomomiji” in Kyoto. 合掌

Aomomiji places? Check the links below, BAAAAH!!!

Special visits in 2022
Rurikoin temple 瑠璃光院春の特別拝観
- Dates: 4/15/2022~6/13/2022
- Open hours: 10:00~17:00 (Entrance closes at 16:30)
- Entrance fee: 2,000 JPY
Check the Rurikoin official website.

We cannot make any reservations in advance.

Ninnaji temple 仁和寺青もみじライトアップ
- Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays between 5/27/2022 and 7/24/2022
- Open hours: 19:00~21:00(Entrance opens at 18:30 and closes at 20:30)
- Entrance fee: 1,000 JPY

Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays only. Not weekdays, right?

Kitano Tenmangu shrine 北野天満宮 御土居の青もみじ苑
- Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays between 4/9/2022 and 6/26/2022
- Open hours: 9:00~16:00
- Entrance Fee: 500 JPY

Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and National holidays only. Not weekdays, O.K.?
Tenjuan today. The leaves are in red as though we were in OCTOBER. It is not peculiar to the maples in Tenjuan. Lots of the leaves in Kyoto look like that.

Usually, we find the leaves in such color in early October and Tenjuan will be in the best time to admire autumn leaves in 2 weeks.
Some of them are in red absolutely. I’ve never found the maple leaves in such colors in July.
At Tenryuji temple, we can enjoy Hanagasa Shakunage. This spring, Shakunage went away so fast we didn’t have enough time to enjoy it. Hanashobu and Satsuki also blooms.
At Maruyama park, adjacent to Yasaka shrine, Kakitsubata is in Migoro.

I love the colors of Higashiyama mountains especially in this season.
The from the stage of Kiyomizudera. These days, we can see such views in many places. Everything’s in GREEN.
In Arashiyama, Tsutsuji is in full bloom though the ones in other places are on decline.
Tenryuji is the last place to enjoy Fuji. I’m sure Byodoin is the most famous place to admire it.
At Ternyuji, we can enjoy the last Sakura (Kanzan) of the year.
These days, we often find Aomomijis in this light green.
In Japanese, we call this “Awai (pale). green”
In Bamboo forest, we can see some Aomomijis. My favorite place in the forest is Nonomiya shrine. The sunlight make them translucent.

Now we are in Tsusuji season.
Some Momiji (Kaede) are in red like autumn leaves.
At Kenninji temple, Botans started bloom. Enjoy them with Aomomijis.

I suppose we can find them in Ginakuji temple.
And we also find Tsutsujis in many places.

Visit Maruyama Koen park. Believe me.
At Kitano Tenmangu shrine, we can enjoy Aomomijis with Kitano Zakuras.
In Saihoji temple, Aomomijis are still young.
They are the oldest ones there.
Today, the special visit of Rurikoin temple started. We can see how Aomomijis grow up like indicated in the photo.

Lots of Aomomiji flowers wait for you!

Most of the leaves look like this.
Now the time for Afro Buddha Aomomiji.

The Afro Duckies guardians are on his side.

The sunlight is so storng these days. SUNSCREEN NEEDED.
Visit Haradanien. You can enjoy Someiyoshino with Aomomiji!
This year, Sakuras bloom later than expected. We can see tiny Aomomijis wiht tiny flowers in many places.

Couples of days later, we’ll find one of the most beautiful ones!
Now we can enjoy Aomomiji in Rokkakudo temple.