- This page Information, Yasaka shrine, Kiyomizu dera temple
- Page 2 Tenjuan temple, Heian Jingu shrine
The following is the contents of this article
From early March, lots of events, like Higashiyama Hanatoro and Aoi Matsuri festival, were canceled due to COVID-19.
The state of emergency was lifted and tourists come back to Kyoto gradually but the fear of novel coronavirus are still alive.
Now we are in the season of so-called Ao Momiji (Green autumn leaves/green maple) and I’m sure some are dying to visit Kyoto.
So, I’ll show you places to visit keeping social distance.

This site and article don’t recommend outing though the state of emergency was lifted. Make your decision with extreme care.
This site cannot guarantee your safety.
The information of shrines and temples are subject to be changed.
This site is not responsible for any disadvantages you have at all.

Take good care of your health. We still are in the fear of COVID-19, O.K.?
Yasaka shrine 八坂神社
Goriyaku for epidemic 疫病退散のご利益
Goriyaku is fortune Deities give to us. In the fear of the novel virus, Yakaska shrine is the best place to visit because Susanooh no Mikoto, the Deity of the shrine, is famous for keeping us away from epidemics. For example, Gion Matsuri festival, the most important Matsuri of Yasaka shrine, has been held to get rid of epidemic from Kyoto for over 1500 years.
Why does Susanooh save us? The answer based on an old story. When he was on his odyssey, he was at a loss for a place to sleep. He saw Somin Shorai and asked for a bed. Somin welcomed him with pleasure though he was a poor guy. In the next morning, Susanooh told Somin Shorai that he would save him and his descendants in case they would suffer from epidemic.
On this story, we do Chinowa Kuguri on 30th of June every year but Yasaks shrine prepared Chinowa on March for the purpose of keep away us from COVID-19.
This year we can have special Goshuin stamps.
The left one reads 無病息災(Mubyo Sokusai. Good health and no suffer.) and the right one does 疫病退散(Ekibyo Taisan. Get away, epidemics.).

Gion matsuri is for exterminate epidemics

Now Yasaka shrine opnes 6:00~21:00
Access アクセス
To avoid crowds, take advantage of trains instead of city bus. Keihan Gion Shijo sta. or Hankyu Kyoto Kawaramachi sta. is convenient for visiting Yasaka shrine.
About Yasaka shrine 八坂神社基本情報
Kiyomizu dera temple 清水寺
The main hall Kiyomizu dera has been under construction for nearly 3 years because of the renovation of the roof. The renovation finished in this February but now the floor of the stage is under construction.
Kiyomizu dera is one of the most crowded places in Kyoto but there are few visitors from 6~8 a.m.
We celebrate the Sakura season in the state of emergency and you may miss the Sakura in Kiyomizu dera. Enjoy it in the video.
The renovation of the floor 舞台の床の張替えはこれから
Now we can be on some part of the stage the red circle indicates.
Access アクセス
To avoid crowds, take advantage of trains instead of city bus. Keihan Gion Shijo or Kiyomizu Gojo sta. or Hankyu Kyoto Kawaramachi sta. is convenient for visiting Kiyomizu dera temple.

Tenjuan and Heian Jingu shrine wait for you in the next page.