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Fushimi Inari Taisha fact 1: Thousands of Torii, Fox, and history 伏見稲荷英語で説明


The following is the contents of this article.


Fox in Fusimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社のキツネ

Why foxes are there?


There’s a story. A long time ago, a white fox couple lived near Mt. Funaoka (We can locate it near Kinkakuji temple today.). They always wished that they had help people in despair. One day, they went to Fushimi Ianri Taisha with their five children to ask Inari no oh kami the way to take.

She answered: “Now you are my “Kenzoku”, the animals serve for and help Deities in the Shinto, and you take advantage of anything I have to save people in suffer.”

Since then, they live in Fushimi Inari Taisha.


It’s a fairy tale. Foxes have something to do with a religious syncretism.

Fushimi Inari facts 2: Why foxes? 伏見稲荷のキツネさん英語で説明
Foxes in Fushimi Inari Taisha are messengers of the deity enshrined there. In this post, I'll show you why they are there. 合掌

The things the foxes have in the mouth

Rice plant 稲穂


As we discussed before, Inari no Ohkami gives us prosperity in rice cropping.

Globe 玉


The globe stands for the Inari no Ohkami and her ability.

Key 鍵


With the key, we can have the assistance from the Deity.

Hand scroll 巻物


In the ancient times, we recorded documents and  pictures. The key and the globe stands for yin-yang which generates the wisdom. It is written in the hand scroll.


Oyama meguri in Fushimi Inari Taisha お山めぐり

Oyama meguri is a tour visiting 7 sacred place called “Goshin seki” in the Mt. Inari.

“Goshen seki” is places where small shrines used to be.

It takes 2~3hours to complete the tour.

Let us get down to business on the video.

Fushimi Inari Taisha hike, a.k.a. Oyama Meguri 伏見稲荷お山めぐり英語で説明
In Fushimi Inari hike, known as "Oyama Meguri" in Japanese, we visit the sacred mountain to find what Japanese people believed through thousands of years.

In front of Oh-torii 大鳥居


This is the entrance of Fusimi inari Taisha. The gate tells a sacred and secular world. Behind it, the Romon gate and the main hall.

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Behind the main hall, a tunnel of Torii gates bigins.

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The entrance of the faous “Senbon Toii gates”.

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“Senbon Torii” means “A thousand of Torii gates” but there are not 1,000 Torii gates actually.

Okusya  sanpai jyo 奥社参拝所

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The Oyama meguri tour starts here.

The entrance of Mt. Inari 行くでしかし

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We start Oyama meguri. Here we go, BAAAH!

Mitsu  tsuji crossing 三つ辻



Just walk straight and we are at at the crossing. We turn right.

Sometimes, we encounter Cryptids. Now we are en route to the sacred places, everything we never expected could happen.

Rest room


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We have two rest rooms in Mt. Inari. One of them is here.

Shin ike and Kumataka sha 新池と熊鷹社

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If you have someone missing, crap your hands. You can find a clue in a direction the echo comes from.

Yotsu-tsuji crossing 四つ辻



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We have a good view here. It is the best place to take a rest.

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Around the crossing, we have restaurants. We can enjoy Japanese traditional foods here.

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We have 2 ways to take; Go straight or turn left. The authentic way is the former and we take it.