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Gion matsuri 2024: Mikoshi, portable shrine, guide 祇園祭の神輿英語で説明


Where can we see Mikoshi?


From 10th to 28th July, we can see three Mikoshi in many occasion. I’ll show you some of them in this chapter.

The schedule of Gion matsuri:


Mikoshi Araishiki, 10th July 神輿洗式

19:00~  Nakagoza left Yasaka shrine for Shijo Ohashi bridge.

Mikoshi Araishiki is a ritual to wash Mikoshi to get rid of evilnes with sacred water.


At first, a big torch (about 16 ft in length) head for Shijo Ohashi bridge to purify the road Nakagoza moves on.

The fire was made in Okerasai, a ritual some seven months ago.


Three Mikoshi is in Buden. Other two Mikoshi is ornamented and glitters gold.


On the other hand, Nakagoza is not decorated because it was washed with water prepared in Shinyosui Kiyoharae shiki ritual in the morning. In this ritual, Shinto priests purify the water drawn form the Kamo river.

It takes place on Shijo Ohashi bridge and we can stay there. Police officers keep saying “Don’t stop, don’t stop. Keep going, please.”


It is believed that the splash of the water save us from bad luck.

Yoimiya sai 15th July 宵宮祭

20:00~ at Yasaka shrine

Shinto Priests lead the Deities to three Mikoshi. The ritual is so sacred that we cannot take photo and video.

Mikoshi Togyo 17th July 神輿渡御

祇園祭 神輿渡御祇園祭 神輿渡御

Around 18:00, three Mikoshi leave Yasaka shrine for Yasaka shrine Otabisho. They take different routes each other.

Nishigoza departs Yasaka shrine.


Shinpo gyoretsu leads Nakagoza. We can see a long board wrapped in red cloth. It is Chokuban in which an order of Emperor Enyu to bring Mikoshi to ancient Kyoto city is written.


In ancient times, Gion-sya/Yasaka shrine was located outside of the city.

Around 21:00, Nakagoza arrives Yasaka shrine Otabisho led by Shinpo gyoretsu and Kuzakomagata Chigo.


Around 0:00 three Mikoshi are in Otabisho.

The routes of Mikoshi

The black line: Nakagoza

The blue line: Higashigoza

The vermilion line: Nishigoza

Kankosai 24th July 還幸祭

還幸祭 神泉苑

Around 17:00, the Mikoshi leave Otabisho for Gokusha. Only Nakagoza go there by way of Shinsenen. Shito and Buddhist rituals are held there.

The routes of Mikoshi

The black line: Nakagoza

The blue line: Higashigoza

The vermilion line: Nishigoza


The places for Mikoshi 神輿渡御関連施設

Otabisho 御旅所

As described before, we have only one Otabisho though there used to be two Otabisho.

Omandokoro Otabisho 大政所御旅所


The Otabisho for Taishogun/Gozutenno Mikoshi (known as Nakagoza today), and Hachioji Mikoshi (known as Nishigoza today).

A prosperous man had an oracle in his dream. He found a spider’s thread lead to Gion-sya. He told the whole story to the Imperial court and made he donated his home as Otabisho by its order.

Shoshoi Otabisho 少将井御旅所


The Otabisho for Syosyoi/Harisainyo Mikoshi (known as Higashigoza today). Now it is moved in the Munakata shrine.

Shijo Otabisho 四条御旅所


The current Otabisho. Three Mikoshi stay there form 17th to 24th July.

Gokusha/Matatabisha 御供社(又旅社)


By Edo period, three Mikoshi paid a visit there for a ritual. As indicated, three Mikoshi meet each other there for the first time in 400 years.

Shinsen-en 神泉苑


Shinsen-en used to be a private garden for emperor. The origin of Gion matsuri was held there. The garden was broken when Nijo castle was build and some part of it remains as a Buddhist temple which holds the same name.