The renovation is over
Now, the renovation is almost finished and we can see Shariden, a.k.a., Kinkakuji for the first time in 3 months. 合掌。
Overview 概説
As announced before, a renovation of Kinkakuji temple, or the golden pavilion, started on September 1. The video was shot 5 days later. Actually, the temple is not under construction. It is nearly covered with scaffolding.

The temple covered with gold is called Sahriden.
The renovation is not a complete overhaul like the one in 1987. This time, the roofs of it will be replaced. As you see, the roofs of the 2nd and 3rd floor are not plated gold. (The 1st floor has no roof.)
The temple tells us that the renovation is to be end in December.

Want to know Kinkakuji temple? Check the links above!

Want to read in Japanese?
December 12月
12th 12月12日
The renovation of the roof has completed. Now the scaffolds are taking away. We will see Kinkakuji without tyem by the end of December.
November 11月
18th 11月18日
Now, we can enjoy the beautiful autumn leaves in Kinkakuji temple. With shariden, it looks like this.
Now Koyo (Autumn leaves) started. We are not able to admire it with Shariden. Enjoy the video instead.
1st 11月1日
Shariden is covered with nets completely. Around it, there are the bamboo fences. You can see the photos on them. They show you how the renovation goes on.
October 10月
13th 10月13日
Shariden has the same appearance as 10 days ago. There is a model of Hiwadabuki roof.
12nd 10月12日
We still can see the 1st floor. Catch the glimpse of a statue of Crowned Buddha and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu( The 3rd Shogun of Ashikaga Shogunate and the founder of Kinkakuji temple.) in the 1st floor.
Now the roof was removed. New roof will be put on the boards on the picture.
September 9月
25th 9月25日
Now we can see only some part of Shariden.
20th 9月25日
The construction of scaffold is finished. I think it is covered with net by the end of the next week. The next time we can see Shariden will be 3 months ago.

Enjoy Shariden in snow? Click here.(Sorry, written in Japanse language only)
13th 9月13日
Sharide is covered with scaffolding.
These photo show the main hall of Kiyomizu-dera temple under renovation. It also has scaffolding with net. I suppose Shariden of Kinkakuji will be covered with the same kind of net.
Near Shariden, there is an enlarged photo of it. Don’t worry.

We can have a post card for free.

I suppose Shariden is covered completely with net by the end of October.
“Kokera-buki ” method. 杮葺とは?
Introduction はじめに
The roofs of Kinkakuji are built in “Kokera-buki ” method. “Kokera-buki” means “roof constructed with pieces of wood.” This is one of 2 popular method to make roofs of shrines and temples.
In this method, we use thin plate of Japanese cedar, Hinoki cypress usually.

The roof of Kinkakuji is made of Sawara wood.
How to make Kokera-buki roof 杮葺屋根の作り方
- Cut log 12″ in heigt.
- The log looks like ◎. Peel off the outer edge because it doesn’t go with water.
- Cut it as pizza. It is divided into couples of kind of isosceles triangular prisms.
- Slice off the one of 2 side of the same length to make thin sheets (About 0.08″).
- Place these sheets on the roof board, overlapping the adjacent ones, and fix them with bamboo nails.
Before the renovation, the roof looked like this.
Now the old Kokera was removed.
They put the new Kokera on it.
The renovation carries on with Ho-oh on the top of the roof.

Check the link below to know Ho-oh

It is the model of the roof you can find around the Shariden.

Take a look at theses photos. It is a model of the roof made of “Hiwada-buki” method. The difference between “Kokera-buki” and it is material. Tree bark or sheet of wood,

For example, the roofs of Kiyomizu-dera temple is made of Hiwadabuki.

Without close inspection, it looks like the same ones.
Kokera-buki and Hiwada-buki 杮葺と檜皮葺
I said Kokera-buki is one of 2 method previously. The other is Hiwada-buki. They resembles each other. Sheet of wood and bark of tree are easily curved. Thanks to this feature, carpenters make elegant line of roof. (Like Ginkakuji temple in the photo.)
The roofs of both method last about a couples of decades. Kokera-buki needs logging though Hiwadabuki doesn’t. (It needs only barking tree. Tree is still alive.) And it is important to reserve woods.

Let me show you an example. The pillars of the stage of Kiyomizu-dera temple are made of Keyaki tree. It doesn’t grow straight as cedar. They are to be replaced about 400 years later. To prepare for the replacement, Kiyomizu-dera temple planted cedars in 2000.
What is Kinkakuji temple? 金閣寺とは?
History 歴史
Rokuon-in, a.k.a. Kinkakuji temple was built by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the 3rd Shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate. After his death, he was given Buddhist name “Rokuon-in.” The temple was named after it.
It was devastated with Ohnin no Ran, the largest civil war in Japan and other misfortunes.
It added to the list of the World Heritage site in 1994.
Shariden 舎利殿
The golden building is officially called “Shariden.” It means ” a building enshrines the ashes of Gautama Buddha.”

They are enshrined in the 3rd floor.
The 1st floor is called “Hossui-in.” It is built in “Shinden-zukuri.” It is a method found in residences of aristocrats. The statue of Gautama Buddha and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the founder of the temple are enshrined.
The 2nd floor is called “Cho-on doh.” It is built in “Buke-zukuri.” It is a method found in residences of Samurai warlords. The statue Kannon and her guardians are enshrined.
The 3rd floor is called “Kukkyo-choh.” It is built in “Zenshu-butsuden-zukuri.” It is a method found in Zen temples. The ashes of Gautama Buddha is enshrined.

We are not allowed to enter Shariden.
On the top of the roof, there is a figurine of “Ho-oh” which brings us good fortune.
The plate on the 3rd floor reads Kukkyo-choh. The Kanji were written by Emperor Gokomatsu (1377-1433).

The statue and the plate are original parts of Kinkakuji
About Kinkakuji temple 金閣寺基本情報
How to get to Kinkakuji? 金閣寺のアクセス
Take Kyoto city bus no.12, 59, 101, 204, 205 and get off at Kinkakuji-michi or Kinkakuji-mae bus stop.