The schedule of the night illumination with autumn leaves in 2024
- Dates: 10/26/2024~ 12/8/2024
- Open hours 18:00~21:30 (Be there by 21:00)
- Entrance fee: 1,000 JPY
In 2022, Toji provides us with special night visit to Kodo hall. We can admire so-called “3-D mandala” at night.

We have lots of illumination events at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Kyoto. Toji holds them in spring and fall. In each season, Toji gives us one of the most amazing illuminations.
We can enter Kodo hall at night visit to enjoy so-called 3D-Mandala. Check the link below.

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Fall: Illumination with autumn leaves
Quite opposite to spring time, we have scarce breeze in fall. So, we can enjoy Mizukagami with ease. Toji has one of the most beautiful Mizukagami in night time. If you wanted to enjoy night-time Mizukagami, Toji is the best place.
Usually, we can enter Kodo at nigt in the illumination event in fall.
Where do we enjoy the illumination?
Near the red octopus
We have the entrance at the red octopus. In fall, we have a fantastic view as soon as we pass through the entrance.

The entrance for night illumination is located at the red octopus though the daytime entrance is near the gray alien.
The blue alien
At the same place in spring time.
Around canal
Along the pass way to the garden, there is a canal shows us beautiful Mizukagami.
At the parking lot
The same place as spring. This time, we see the same view in different colors.
The gray alien
There ara many autumn leaves arounf the Hyotan pond.
The yellow alien
As I said, we have less breeze than in spring time.
So, we have incredible reflections. We never expect such stunning Mizukagami in any other places.
Mizukagami is an art which Japanese people love to enjoy something. We admire reflection of something on pond, river, and so on.

Pagoda(National Treasure)五重塔
The most famous architecture in Toji temple. It is the highest wooden tower in Japan.

Huge fires burnt out pagodas of Toji temple many times. The one we can see today was built as a donation made by Tokugawa Yoshimitsu, the third Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
At the center of the pagoda, there is a pillar named Shin Bashira(心柱). Take a look at the picture above. There is a stick on the top roof. It is a tip of the pillar that goes through the bottom of the pagoda. At the top of it, there is an ornamnent called Hoju. Hoji is an object that tells the architecture is a grave of the Buddha. (Pagoda is a place in which the aches of the Buddha is graved.)
The Shin Bashira of the pagoda is consedered as Dainichi Nyorai(大日如来), the supreme Deity in the Vajrayana Buddhism (the Buddhist teaching in secret).
In the period in which illumination event is held, we can see the inside of the pagoda in daytime. Inside of it, there are 12 statues of the Buddhist Deities.

Remember, we can see them in daytime only, O.K.?
What is Toji temple?
Toji is one of two Buddhist temples officialy admitted in Heian kyo city built in 794.
In 823, emperor Saga gave the temple to Kukai and it became the first temple of the Vajrayana Buddhism in Japan.
In Kodo, there are statues of Buddhist Deities. They make so-called 3D mandala.
Mandala is a picture which tells us the teaching of the Vajrayana Buddhism. In 3D mandala, 22 statues make mandala. Kukai made it for the purpose of letting people understand the Vajrayana Buddhism.
In 1994, Toji is listed as one of the UNESCO world heritage site.
About Toji temple
How to get to Toji temple?
From JR Kyoto station
It takes about 15 minutes on foot.
Kyoto city bus
No. 205
Get off at Toji michi bus stop (Indicated in the red bus annotation in the map.)
No. 207
Get off at Toji higashimon mae bus stop (Indicated in the green bus annotation in the map.)