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Top 10 popular Autumn leaves spots in Kyoto 2024


The following is the contents of this article.


#6 Ryoanji temple 龍安寺


Ryoanji has the most famous Zen rock garden in the world. Huge fire burnt it many times and we have scarce knowledge about it.

Ryoanji: Zen rock garden facts
Introduction This article is the most precise information on the rock garden and Ryoanji temple. The garden is the most ...

The Zen rock garden


Typical Zen rock garden has no plants. The garden of Ryoanji is constructed in that way: it has only pebble stones, mossed-islands and rocks. Maple trees are planted behind the wall. It always is crowded with many people because it is the most famous garden in Japan.

Hojo teien garden


Hoji is a main hall in Zen temple. It has four gardens usually. The zen rock garden is one of them. The photo above is one of four gardens.

Kyoyochi pond


Ryoanji used be famous for this Kyoyochi pond. We can enjoy the autumn foliage there.

About Ryoanji temple

  • Name  Daiunzan Ryoanji  大雲山龍安寺
  • Adress  13 Goryono shita cho, Ukyo ward, Kyoto city
  • Phone No. 075-463-2216
  • Fax No.   075-463-2218
  • Website Ryoanji official
  • Opeining hours
  • March~November 8:00~17:00
  • December~Feburary 8:30~16:30
  • Entrance fee:
  • Adult 500 yen
  • Under 15 years old 300 yen
  • Time required 1hour~

How to get to Ryoanji temple?

Kyoto City bus no.59: Ryaonji mae bus stop.


#7 Toji temple 東寺


Toji is one of two temples offically built in Heian kyo city. It was given to Kukai in the 9th century and became the most important temple of Vajrayana Buddhism.

Toji temple Sakura/ Cherry blossom night illumination 2024
Toji offers us the most amazing Sakura illumination in Kyoto. In this article, you can learn the ways to them with introduction of the temple.

Schedule of 2023 (Goju no toh pagoda special visit)

  • Dates 11/26日(日)~12月10日(日)
  • Open hours 8:00~17:00
  • Entrance fee  Special ticket for the pagoda, Kinko, Kodo(3D Mandala)



In daytime, we can admire the beautiful red maple tress arount the pagoda.


  • Dates 11/1~12/10
  • Open hours 18:00~21:30 (Entrance closes at 21:00)
  • Entrance fee 1,000円



In weekends, people wait in line at the entrance. The line was about 200y. It took a couple of hours to enter.


It is the illumination that the most amazing thing in Autumn leaves of Toji. Mizukagami, the reflection of the surface of Hyoton-ike pond, is beyond description.


Enjoy Mizukagami.

What is Mizukagami, a.k.a., reflection 水鏡につき英語で説明
Mizukagami is a reflection on water, especially pond. In this post, I'll show you what it is and the idea hiding behind it. 合掌


At night, red leaves go with the gold-illuminated pagoda.

About Toji temple

  • Name  Kyooh Gokokuji   教王護国寺
  • De facto name Toji  東寺
  • Adress  1 Kujo cho, Mimami ward, Kyoto city 〒601-8473
  • Phone No. 075-691-3325
  • Fax No.  075-662-0250
  • Website Toji official
  • Date: From October 27th to November 9th
  • Opening hours: 18:00~21:30 (Be there by 21:00)
  • Entrance fee: Adult 1,000 yen  Under Junior high school student 500 yen
  • We can enter Kodo building.
  • In the daytime, the pagoda is open to public.
  • Time required 1h~

How to get to Toji temple?

About 15 minutes walk from JR Kyoto station: Red train annotation

Kyoto City bus

No. 205 Toji michi bus stop: Blue bus annotations.

No. 207 Toji Higashi mon mae bus stop: Red bus annotations.