- Page 1 Introduction, History, Renovation, Deities
- Page 2 Main hall, Stage
- Page 3 Umatodome, Komainus, Niomon Gate, Saimon Gate
- Page 4 Tiger in lantern, Sho Roh and bell, Zuigu Doh temple, Kagekiyo Tsumegata Kannon
- Page 5 Pagoda, Kyo Doh, Tamra Doh, Todoroki Mon gate
- Page 6 Asakura Doh, Bussoku Seki, Iron canes and sandals, Scars of Benkei
- Page 7 Jishu shrine, Shaka Doh, Amida Doh, Oku no In, Koyasu pagoda
- Page 8 Access to Kiyomizudera
The following is the contents of this article.
Pagoda 三重塔
The highest 3-story pagoda in Japan. Inner construction is in the style of Vajrayana Buddhism. We cannot enter the pagoda but can catch a glimpse of the inner construction and the statue of Dainichi nyorai (Vairocana).

The Seven Wonder #5
At the 3 tips of the each roofs, there is Onigawara. The word “Oni” is a imaginary creature that save us from bad luck and “gawara” is a tile, i.e., Onigawara means a tile with a Oni face. These tiles saves the pagoda from bad luck.
On the other hand, one tip of the each roofs, there is a dragon tile. In Japan, dragon is the Deity of water and rain. Buddhist temple is easily caught by fire because it is made of wood and paper. Dragon saves the pagoda from fire.
Kyo Doh and Tamura Doh 経堂・田村堂
Kyo Doh 経堂
Kyo Doh is located next to the pagoda. It is a storehouse for the Sutra scrolls. Now it enshrines statues of Siddhartha Gautama, Mouju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu. It is open to visitors when event like exhibition takes place.
Tamura Doh 田村堂
It is located next to Kyo Doh. It enshrines Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, his wife, and Enchin.
Todaroki mon gate 轟門

The Seven Wonders #6
In front of the gate, there is a bridge with no river. Some says there used to be a stream but no one cam make sure. It is believed people make themselves purified in my mind before entering the temple.
A water basin of owls to purify ourselves before entering the temple.
This is a lower part of the basin. The allow indicates the Kannon. In the corners, there are engraved owls, the guardians of Buddhism.
At night time visit, beautiful lantern with exquisite work welcomes us.