- Page 1 Introduction, History, Renovation, Deities
- Page 2 Main hall, Stage
- Page 3 Umatodome, Komainus, Niomon Gate, Saimon Gate
- Page 4 Tiger in lantern, Sho Roh and bell, Zuigu Doh temple, Kagekiyo Tsumegata Kannon
- Page 5 Pagoda, Kyo Doh, Tamra Doh, Todoroki Mon gate
- Page 6 Asakura Doh, Bussoku Seki, Iron canes and sandals, Scars of Benkei
- Page 7 Jishu shrine, Shaka Doh, Amida Doh, Oku no In, Koyasu pagoda
- Page 8 Access to Kiyomizudera
The following is the contents of this article.
Jisyu Srine 地主神社
Closed by the end of 2024 due to renovation
In the area of Kiyomizu-dera temple, there is a Shinto shrine named Jisyu shrine. By the early 17th century, the Shinto and the Buddhism is fused and it is not strange there is a Shinto shrine is in the area of a Buddhisit temple. Jisyu shrine is a Chinsyu sya, a Shinto shrine which saves a Buddhist temple.
In Jisyu Shrine, Ohkuninushi no mikoto, the Shinto Deity, is enshrined. In the fusion of the Shinto and the Buddhism, the Deities of each religion were also fused. Ohkuninushi no mikoto was fused with Daikokuten.
Jisyu Srine is famous for love-seekers because Ohkuninushi no mikoto brings us good “Goen.” Goen means “relationship”, or “tie,” i.e., he gives us a good relationship to someone we love.
There are 2 stones in the area of Jisyu shrine. It is believed that if you walked to the one to the other keeping your eyes closed, you would find a good love.
Shaka (Siddhartha Gautama) Doh 釈迦堂
Shaka Doh enshrines Siddhartha Gautama, Mouju Bosatsu, and Fugen Bosatsu as Kyo Doh. It was destroyed by a typhoon in 1972 and reconstructed in 1975.
Amidado 阿弥陀堂
Amidado is a place the first “Nenbutsu Jyogyo zanmai” took place. It is a Buddhist practice to pray to Amida Buddha for 90 days. Amida Buddha is the supreme Deity of the universe in the Buddhism and rules Gokurakujodo.
Oku no In temple 奥の院
Oku no In is a small main hall. It enshrines the same deities and constructed in Kakezukuri. There used to be a hut of Gyoei lived in.

On the stage of Oku no In, enjoy the iconic view!
Otowa no taki waterfalls 音羽の滝
On the stage of Kiyomizu-dera temple, we can see small waterfalls named Otowano taki. See the video above. There are 3 waterfalls. We take water from one of them with a water dipper to drink. Each waterfall brings us good luck; From the left to the right, academic achievement, good companion, and good health. We cannot have all of them. We choose one out of the three.
Koyasu no Toh (Koyasu Pagoda) 子安塔
Koyasu no Toh enshrines Koyasu Kannon who promises us safe delivery. It used to be located near Uma Todome.
In front of it, we can have this view.