- Page 1 Introduction, History, Renovation, Deities
- Page 2 Main hall, Stage
- Page 3 Umatodome, Komainus, Niomon Gate, Saimon Gate
- Page 4 Tiger in lantern, Sho Roh and bell, Zuigu Doh temple, Kagekiyo Tsumegata Kannon
- Page 5 Pagoda, Kyo Doh, Tamra Doh, Todoroki Mon gate
- Page 6 Asakura Doh, Bussoku Seki, Iron canes and sandals, Scars of Benkei
- Page 7 Jishu shrine, Shaka Doh, Amida Doh, Oku no In, Koyasu pagoda
- Page 8 Access to Kiyomizudera
The following is the contents of this article.
Asakura Doh 朝倉堂
After passing through Todoroki Mon, we’ll find Asakura Doh to the left. It was donated Asakura Sadakage Asakura in 1510. It was named after him.
Asakura Doh used to be on the edge of a cliff like the main hall. After the fire of 1629, the cliff was leveled. When the former Asakura Doh was burned out, the box contained a golden statue of Kannon.
The plate says, “補陀殿.” The words mean Fudaraku Jodo, the paradise belongs to Kannon.

The Seven wonders #7
Next to Asakura Doh, there is a stone called Bussoku Seki. Foot prints of Siddhartha Gautama on it. It gives you a lower body strength. (Touch the stone and touch your body again.)
The canes and sandals 錫杖と鉄下駄
We’ll find iron canes and sandals.
Some 700 years ago, a blacksmith had an eye disease. He asked help for Kannon. When his disease was healed, he donated them to Kannnon in Kiyomizudera-temple.
And there is a story about them.
The cames: If we could lift the cane with one hand, our wish would come true. For female person, short one, for male person, long one.
The sandals: Just touch them. Female person would be prosperous. Male person could not say “NO” to his partner for the rest of his life.
The scars of Benkei 弁慶の爪痕
On the wall of the main hall, there are scars. These are the scars of Benkei. Benkei is a famous warrior monk in the 12th century. Some says these scars were made by him but they were made by the people exercised Oyakudo Mairi. People walk around the main hall touching it.
The main hall 御本殿

Check out Page 2.