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25 night illumination spots of Autumn leaves in Kyoto 2023


#19 Byodoin temple 平等院鳳凰堂

The schedule of 2023

  • Dates: 11/18, 11/19, 11/23~11/27, 12/2, 12/3
  • Open hours 18:00~20:30 (Be there by 20:15)
  • Entrance fee: 1,500 JPY
  • Make reservation at the website of Byodoin temple.

The night illumination of Byodoin temple


Byodoin has magnificent Mizukagami as you see in the photo above.


2023 marks 970th anniversary. PHOENIX HAAAAAL!!!

BYODO-IN temple in Kyoto: Its history and architecture of phoenix hall
Byodo-in temple has a long history and outstanding artifacts. A goat Kyotoite gives you the most precise information on them.

About Byodo-in temple

  • Official name: Asahizan Byodo-in 朝日山平等院
  • Address: Renge-116 Uji, Kyoto Prefecture 611-0021
  • Phone no. 0774-21-2861
  • Website Byodo-in temple official HP(English)
  • Time required
  • 1 hour~

How to get to Byodoin temple?

From JR Uji station: 10 mintues walk.

From Keihan Uji station 5 minutes walk.


#20 Hosen-in temple 宝泉院

The schedule of 2023

Not yet announced


Hosenin is a cozy temple in suburb Ohara Area with brilliant autumn leaves. We can enjoy them with tea and wagashi.

The night illumination of Hosen-in temple



The night illumination of Hosenin is very exquisite one. In addition to it, it is in suburb area and there always are few visitors. We can enjoy autumn leaves and bamboos in calmness.

About Hosen-in temple

  • Gyozan Hosenin  魚山宝泉院
  • Address 187 Ohara Shorinin cho, Sakyo ward, Kyoto, 〒 601-1241
  • TEL 075-744-2409
  • Open hours 9:00~17:00
  • Entrance fee 800 JPY
  • Website 宝泉院公式
  • 所要時間 30分~

How to get to Hosen-in temple?

30 minutes from Ohara bus stop.


#21 Daigoji temple 醍醐寺

The schedule of 2023

  • Dates 11/11〜12/3
  • Open hours 18:00~20:50 (Entrance closes at 20:10)
  • Entrance fee 1,000 JPY
  • Make reservation at the website of Daigoji temple.


Daigoji temple was named after emperor Daigo, the founder of the temple. The typhoon in 2018 devastated many trees but it still provides us with extraordinary autumn leaves. We can enjoy them in calmness though it is one of the world heritage site in Kyoto.

The night illumination of Daigoji


Daigohi has large gardens and only some of them are open to us. The Mizukagami in front of Bentendo is beyond description. In 2023, concerts and recitals are available.

About Daigoji temple

  • Shinsetsuzan Daigoji  深雪山醍醐寺
  • Address 22 Daigo Higashi Ohji, Fushimi ward, Kyoto, 〒601-1325
  • Phone 075-571-0002
  • Website Daigoji official

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