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Jidai matsuri festival 2024: Gyoretsu parade and schedule 時代祭英語で説明

Edo period 1603~1868  江戸時代


Hideyoshi’s government was fallen by Tokugawa Ieyasu. He established Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo (present-day Tokyo) and Japan was under control. The empror and court nobles are not allowed to participate in politics in terms of law.


時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列

時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列

時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列時代祭2016 徳川城使上洛列

Under the rule of Tokugawa Shogunate, the emperor was highly respected because his legitimacy depended on Japanese mythology. Shogun was a person who had a premission to rule the country.

Ladies in Edo period  江戸時代婦人列

時代祭2016 和宮

She is Kazunomiya. She is a daughter of emperor Ninko and married to Tokugawa Iemochi, the 14th Shogun of Tokugawa Shogunate.

時代祭2016 大田垣蓮月

She is Otagaki rengetsu, a famous poet in the period.

時代祭2016 中村内蔵助の妻時代祭2016 中村内蔵助の妻の侍女

The lady in black kimono is a wife of a prosperous merchant. One day, a style competition was held. Participants except her were in gorgeous kimono. On the other hand, she wore simple and elegant black kimono and let her maid (the lady in red kimono) wear beautiful kimono thanks to the advice of Ogata Korin.

Meiji period 明治維新時代


In the 19th century, the renovation of Japan took place: The Meiji Restoration. Tokugawa Shogunate returned the previlage to rule the archipelago to the emperor for the purpose of carrying on renewal to give strength to the country.

Bakumatsu Shisi 幕末志士列

時代祭2016  桂小五郎時代祭2016 坂本龍馬

Bakumatsu Shisi is the hisorical figures helped Meiji restoration.

Ishin Kinno tai army  維新勤王隊列


When Meiji restoraton was still on, rebellions fought the war. This Ishin Kino tai army from Kyoto joined the Imperial army of Meiji restoration to put down them.

Here Today


The governor of Kyoto prefecture and the mayor of Kyoto city lead the parade.


The route of Jidai matsuri festival 時代祭のコース

The route and time schedule

At 9:00, the parade departs Heian Jingu shrine to Kyoto Imperial Palace on the purple line. It arrives at Kyoto Imperial Palace around 10:00.

At 12:00, the parade departs Kyoto Imperial Palace to Heian Jingu shrine. It arrives at Heian Jingu shrine around 10:00. Click the aliens and they show you the time the parede passes.

These times means the time the top of parade arrives the place. It takes about 2 hours for the parade to pass through a point.

For example, The parade arives at Heian Jingu shrine at 14:30. This means the top of the parade arrives there at 14:30 and the end of it does at 16:30.

Reserved seat 有料観覧席

The yellow lines in the map indicate the reserved seat. Check the official site below.

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Access to Jidai matsuri


On the day of Jidai matsuri, routes of buses are changed. So, it is good idea to take subway or taxi. Bus is not recommedned.


Subway or Taxi!

Heian Jingu shrine

The blue train annotation is Kyoto municipal Subway Higashiyama station. It takes about 15 minutes walk to Heian Jingu shrine. The red bus annotation is bus stops near Heian Jingu shrine.

Kyoto Imperial Place

The blue train annotation is Kyoto municipal Subway Marutamachi station.

The red train annotation is Kyoto municipal Subway Imadegawa station.

The aliens are entraces and the yellow lines are reserved seat area.