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Jidai matsuri festival 2024: Gyoretsu parade and schedule 時代祭英語で説明

Ladies in the Middle ages 中世婦人列

This unit shows us ladies in 12~17th century.

時代祭2016 中世婦人列 淀君

She is Yodo dono, a concubine of Toyotomi hideyoshi. She dressed in typical outfit for lady in the 16th century.

時代祭2016 中世婦人列 藤原為家の室

She is Abutuni, the author of Diary of the Waning Moon. It describes how Japan was ruled by the empror and the imperial court and Kamakura Shogunate.

時代祭2016 中世婦人列 静御前

She is Shizuka Gozen, a tragic heroin in Japanese history. She is in typical dancing outfit.

時代祭2016 中世婦人列 大原女

They are Oharame ladies in the 16th century. They bring firewoods on their heads.

時代祭2016 中世婦人列 桂女

They are Katsurame. They came from Katsura region and sold sweetfish or candy in the center of Kyoto.

Yoshino period 1336~1392  吉野時代

In this period, two emperors ruled Japan and the Imperial cout was devided into two.

Kusunoki Masashige 楠公上洛列

時代祭2016 楠公上洛列時代祭2016 楠公上洛列

Emperor Godaigo was ousted to Oki because he attempted to overthrow Kamakua Shogunate. With the fall of the Shogunate, he escaped Oki and came back to Kyoto. The worriors are security guards of him.